Length may be insufficient to provide evidence of control of sentence forms. 2 The content barely relates to the task.
There is little relevant message, or
the entire response may be off-topic. There is little evidence of control of
organisational features.
The resource is extremely limited with few
recognisable strings, apart from memorised
There is no apparent control of word formation
and/or spelling.
There is little or no evidence of sentence
forms (except in memorised phrases).
1 Responses of 20 words or fewer are rated at Band 1. The content is wholly unrelated to the task. Any copied rubric must be discounted.
Responses of 20 words or fewer are rated at Band 1. The writing fails to communicate any
message and appears to be by a virtual
Responses of 20 words or fewer are rated at Band 1. No resource is apparent, except for a few isolated
Responses of 20 words or fewer are rated at Band 1. No rateable language is evident.
0 Should only be used where a candidate did not attend or attempt the question in any way, used a language other than English throughout, or
where there is proof that a candidate’s answer has been totally memorised. Writing Task 1 Band Descriptors Scoring criteria for Academic and General Training tests A script must fully fit the positive features of the descriptor at a particular level.
Bolded text indicates negative features that will limit a rating.
6 Writing Task 2 Band Descriptors
Updated May 2023
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