POLYMERIC PREPARATION FOR THE TREATMENT AND PREVENTION OF GYNECOLOGICAL DISEASES IN FARM ANIMALS T.M. Babaev, M.M. Karimov, Z.X. Urinova Samarkand University of Veterinary Medicine, Animal Husbandry and Biotechnology. Uzbekistan, Samarkand. 702138. e-mail: Samvmi.uz/uz
This report is devoted to the development of polymer compositions of anti-
inflammatory drugs based on polycomplexes, the development of formulations and
technology for the production of a polymer suspension, as well as a foaming
composition for the treatment and prevention of obstetric and gynecological diseases in
agricultural animals. Dosage forms of polymer compositions were prepared in the form
of a suspension (CARBOKAZ), i.e., polymeric complex mixtures of preparations with a
wide spectrum of antibacterial action based on azidine or diamidine and foaming
tablets. The main criteria for assessing the quality of such tablets are strength, low
abrasion, disintegration and abundant foaming, as well as the indifference of excipients.
For abundant foaming, various water-soluble low-toxic polymers were tested, such as
polyacrylamide and sodium salt of carboxymethyl cellulose (Na-CMC) with molecular
weights of 7000 and 54000. As medicinal substances, a composition (diamidinetonium-
furatsilin) was used, which is used in UzNIVI for the treatment of gynecological
diseases of a large cattle, and as gas-forming disintegrants, a mixture of sodium
bicarbonate with citric acid. As a filler, in a model tablet, glucose was used, a humectant
10% aqueous solution of polyglucin, and a lubricating agent talc. It has been established
that the volume of foam formed from a model tablet reaches 12 cm
and decreases with
an increase in the content of citric acid. The maximum foam volume is formed when the
content of citric acid in the model tablet is 22.5%. The effective foaming time is 9
minutes. To increase the foam volume when combining drugs with a model tablet, we
chose Na-CMC and polyacrylamide. The volume of foam formed from a model tablet
when polyacrylamide is used as a moisturizer reaches up to 8.4 cm
. With an increase in
the amount of citric acid in the composition of the model, foaming decreases. An
abnormal foaming pattern is observed in a 10% aqueous solution of polyacrylamide,
where foaming reaches up to 40.8 cm
, but with an increase in the amount of citric acid
in the tablet to 29%, it decreases to 10.8 cm
). Apparently, in this case, the determining
role is played by a high concentration of polyacrylamide, which creates a viscous
environment, which favors the formation of abundant foam. At the same time, the time
of complete disintegration of the tablet also increases, which reaches 30 minutes. It
should be noted that when medicinal substances are added to the model tablet, foaming
decreases sharply.
And in this case, the reason for this, apparently, is a sharp increase in the viscosity of
the medium, which confirms the increase in the time of complete disintegration of the
tablet to 39 minutes. The above was confirmed when using polyacrylamide with a
molecular weight of 54,000 as a humidifier. These data indicate that water-soluble
polymers polyacrylamide and Na-CMC are suitable as additives in the preparation of
foaming tablets and they have a number of advantages over polyglucin recommended in
the literature.