give us their confidence.
Already at that time I took up
my stand on those important
fundamental questions where public opinion had gone wrong as a
whole. I opposed these wrong notions without regard either for
popularity or for hatred, and I was ready to face the fight. The
National Socialist German Labour
Party ought not to be the
beadle but rather the master of public opinion. It must not serve
the masses but rather dominate them.
In the case of every movement, especially during its struggling
stages, there is naturally a temptation to conform to the tactics of
an opponent and use the same battlecries, when his tactics have
succeeded in leading the people to crazy conclusions or to adopt
mistaken attitudes towards the questions at issue. This temptation
is particularly strong when motives can be found, though they are
entirely illusory, that seem to point towards the same ends which
the young movement is aiming at. Human poltroonery will then
all the more readily adopt those
arguments which give it a
of justification, 'from
its own point of view,' in
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