. The moves of a game correspond roughly to the strokes in a ritual.
As in any game, the
players become increasingly adept with practice. Wasteful moves are eliminated, and more and
more purpose is condensed into each move. "Beautiful friendships" are often
based on the fact that
the players complement each other with great economy and satisfaction, so that there is a maximum
yield with a minimum effort from the games they play with each other.
Certain intermediate,
precautionary or concessional moves can be eluded, giving a high degree of elegance to the
relationship. The effort saved on defensive maneuvers can be devoted
to ornamental flourishes
instead, to the delight of both parries and sometimes of the onlookers as well. The student observes
that there is a minimum number of moves essential to the program of the game, and these can be
stated in the protocol. Individual players will embellish or multiply these basic
moves according to
their needs, talents or desires. The framework for IWFY is as follows:
(1) Instruction-Compliance ("You stay home"—"All right").
(2) Instruction-Protest ("You stay home again"—"If it weren't for you").
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