opportunity to communicate with each other, and such an opportunity may be called social contact.
The fact that they use this opportunity makes their household a social aggregation,
as contrasted
with a New York subway train, for example, where people are in spatial contact but rarely avail
themselves of the opportunity and so form a this-social aggregation. The influence the Whites exert
on each other's behavior and responses constitutes social action. Various disciplines would
investigate such social action from different points of view. Since we are here concerned with the
personal histories and psycho-dynamics of the individuals involved, the present approach is one
of social -psychiatry; some implicit or explicit judgment is passed on the "healthiness" of the
games studied. This is somewhat different from the more neutral and less committed attitudes of
sociology and social psychology. Psychiatry reserves the right to say, "Just a moment!" which the
other disciplines do not. Transactional analysis is a branch of social psychiatry, and game analysis
is a special aspect of transactional analysis.
Practical game analysis deals with special cases as they appear in specific situations. Theoretical
game analysis attempts to abstract and generalize the characteristics of various games, so that they
can be recognized independently of their momentary verbal content and their cultural matrix. The
theoretical analysis of "If It Weren't For You,"
Marital Type, for example, should state the
characteristics of that game in such a way that it can be recognized just as easily in a New Guinea
jungle village as in a Manhattan penthouse, whether it is concerned with a nuptial party or with the
financial problems of getting a fishing rod for the grandchildren; and regardless of how bluntly or
subtly the moves are made, according to the permissible degrees of frankness
between husband and
wife. The prevalence of the game in a given society is a matter for sociology and anthropology.
Game analysis, as a part of social psychiatry, is only interested in describing the game when it does
occur, regardless of how often that may be. This distinction is not complex, but it is analogous to
the distinction between public health and internal medicine; the first is interested in the prevalence
of malaria, while the latter studies cases of malaria as they come up, in the jungle or in Manhattan.
At the present time the scheme given below has been round the most useful one for theoretical
game analysis. No doubt it will be improved as further knowledge accumulates. The first requisite
is to recognize that a certain sequence of maneuvers meets the criteria of a game.
As many samples
as possible of the game are then collected. The significant features of the collection are isolated.
Certain aspects emerge as essential. These are then classified under headings which are designed to
be as meaningful and instructive as possible in the current state of knowledge. The analysis is
undertaken from the point of view of the one who is "it"—in this case, Mrs. White.
. This is a genera) description of the game, including the immediate sequence of events (the
social level) and information about their psychological background, evolution and significance (the
psychological level). In the case of "If It Weren't For You," Marital Type, the details already given
will serve (pp. 50-51). For the sake of brevity, this game will henceforth be referred to as IWFY.
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