Q.X.Muftaydinov, H.M.Qodirov, E.Yu.Yulchiyеv Ekologiya.
Kyoto Mechanisms
– Economic mechanisms based on market princi pies
that Parties to the Kyoto Protocol can use in an attempt to lessen the potential
economic impacts of greenhouse gas emissionreduction requirements. They
include Joint Implementation (Article 6), the Clean Development Mechanism
(Article 12), and Emissions Trading (Article 17).
Kislorodning biologik iste‘moli (KBI)
– suvning organik birikmalar bilan
ifloslanganligi ko‗rsatkichi, suvning hajm birligida belgilangan vaqt davomida
(odatda 5 kun - KBI) ifloslantiruvchi moddalarning oksidlanishiga sarflanadigan
kislorod miqdorida ifodalanadi.
Биологическое потребление кислорода (БПК)
– показатель
загрязнения воды органическими соединениями, определяемый количеством
кислорода, пошедшим за установленное время (обычно 5 суток – БПК) на
окисление загрязняющих веществ, содержащихся в эдинице объема воды.
Biological consumption of oxygen (ВСО )
– index of a water
contamination by the organic compounds determined by a quantity of oxygen that
was taken per a time unit (usually 5 days - BCO) at the acidification of pollutants
contained in a fix volume of water.
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