Toshkent 2020 yil

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EKOLOGIYA. Дарслик.2020.Muftaydinov

Carbon diohide 

-The enhancement of the growth of 
plants as a result of increased atmospheric carbon diohide concentration. 
Depending on their mechanism of photosyn-thesis, certain types of plants are more 
sensitive to changes in atmospheric carbon diohide concentration. In particular, 
plants that produce a three-carbon compound (C
) during photosynthesis-including 
most trees and agricultural crops such as rice, wheat, soybeans, potatoes, and 
vegeta-bles- generally show a larger response than plants that produce a four-
carbon compound (C
) during photosynthesis-mainly of tropical origin, including 
grasses and the agriculturally important crops maize, sugar cane, millet, and 
Uzluksiz tashlash 
– ifloslantiruvchi moddalarni atrof-muhitga ruxsat 
berilgan holda uzluksiz tashlash, texnik xizmat ko‗rsatish, ishlab chiqarish 
jarayoniga o‗zgartirishlar kiritish va boshqa hollarda uskunalar to‗xtatilgandagina 
tashlash to‗xtatiladi.
Непрерывный сброс 
– Разрешенный сброс загрязнителей в 
окружающую среду, происходящий непрерывно за исключением редких 
остановок оборудования для проведения технического обслуживания, 
внесения изменений в производственный процесс и т.д.
Continuous discharge 
– A permitted discharge of pollutants into 
environment that occurs without interruption, with the exception of infrequent 
temporary stoppage of equipment for technical servicing, process modification, 

Q.X.Muftaydinov, H.M.Qodirov, E.Yu.Yulchiyеv Ekologiya.
Umumiy suvdan foydalanish – 
davlatlarida bu atama birorta uskuna, 
texnik vosita yoki qurilmasiz suv havzalaridan foydalanishni anglatadi. Umumiy 
suvdan foydalanish suvdan foydalanganlik uchun litsenziyani talab qilmaydi. 
SHunday bo‗lsa-da, suv xo‗jaligi qonunlariga asosan suvdan foydalanish lozim. 
Umumiy suvdan foydalanishga cho‗milish, suvda hordiq chiqarish, kichik 
kemalarda suzish, texnik qurilmalardan foydalanmay, shaxsiy ehtiyoj uchun suvni 
olish kiradi. 

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