Regulation of export activities of small business in the republic of uzbekistan

partners and poverty in foreign markets and are trying

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Maqola germanya

partners and poverty in foreign markets and are trying 
there, by virtue of their capabilities, to compete with 
foreign manufacturers of similar products. Having sold 
products in foreign markets, small businesses often do 
not pay attention to the organization of after-sales 
service, since this requires very significant funds. 
Proceeding from this, it is necessary first of all to 

World Bulletin of Management and Law (WBML)
Available Online at: 
Volume-22, May -2023 
ISSN: 2749-3601 
3 | 
P a g e
clearly work out the technology of sales, the 
technology of marketing and service, every product 
today also includes the technology of preparation, 
presentation of products - at a very high level. Most of 
the representatives of small businesses do not have 
such technology, and there is not always an 
understanding of what it should be. (6.7) 
Before entering the foreign market, it is 
necessary to achieve a complete normalization of all 
processes within your enterprise, solve problems with 
the production program, performance discipline, and 
product quality, so that entering the international 
market does not become just an episodic 
Measures to encourage small businesses to 
enter foreign markets, including: 
* development and implementation of a 
program to prepare entrepreneurs for export activities; 
* providing a special package of assistance to 
small businesses entering foreign markets for the first 
time with their product, namely: 
- assistance to small businesses in licensing 
products according to international standards, 
including financial assistance from the state for the 
modernization of production; 
- development of a system of private lending 
for the export activities of small businesses by 
guaranteeing the repayment of loans by the state; 
- provision of insurance guarantees for 
political, commercial and other risks associated with 
external economic activity for small businesses
-organization of information and consulting 
representatives of small businesses, due to the 
existing lack of specific information
* assistance in organizing exhibitions and fairs 
of export products, trade missions, as well as state 
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