Make an information sheet about it. 2 Watch the video. jewelry
board game
4 Answer the questions. What is a primary source?
2 What are examples of primary sources?
3 Why is a textbook about history not a
primary source?
4 Why should we ask questions about
primary sources?
5 What questions would you like to ask about the primary sources above? A primary source is something old that tells
us about life in the past. It can be an old tool,
a statue, some jewelry, or a board game that
people had in the past. History books that we
read in school are not primary sources. This is
because the writers of school books didn’t live
at the time they are writing about.
We can learn about the past by asking
questions about primary sources. We can ask:
What did people use this tool for? Who made this statue and why did they make it? What is this jewelry made of? How did people play this board game? When we can answer these
questions, we learn about life in the past.
CD2 31 3 Read and listen. 3 4 2 ➞
Workbook page 54 CLIL: History