Psychosocial factors. Psychosocial factors are important to consider in the
adaptation to and treatment of childhood diabetes
(98 - 100)
. Family conflict and
communication have also been associated with HRQoL in youth with T1D
with poorer metabolic control
. In addition, a higher level of parental fear of
hypoglycemia was associated with poorer glycemic control in their child
. From
SEARCH, youth from racial and ethnic minority groups had a higher rate of
depressed mood than did NHWs
. Depressed mood was associated with higher
and among youth with T1D, poor glycemic control was associated with
lower generic
and diabetes-related health-related quality of life (HRQoL)
The SEARCH Cohort Study will provide urgently needed longitudinal studies in
large and diverse cohort regarding the impact of psychosocial factors on the health of
youth with diabetes.