Researches on malaria Nobel Lecture, December, 12, 1902

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Med. J., 

Feb. 1, (1896).

26. Manson, "The life-history of the malaria germ outside the human body.", Brit. Med.


Mar. 15, 21, 28 (1896).

27. Ross, "Some practical points respecting the malarial parasite.", Indian Med. Gaz.,

(1896) 42.

28. Ross, "Dr. Manson’s mosquito malaria theory.", Indian Med. Gaz., (1896) 264.

29. Bignami, "Ipotesi dei parassitti malarici fuori dell’ uomo.", Policlinico, Jul. 15 (1896).

Also English translation in Lancet, 2 (1896) 1363, 1441.

30. Ross, "Some experiments in the production of malarial fever by means of the mos-

quito.", Trans. South Indian Branch, Brit. Med. Assoc ., Dec. (1896). (Read Oct. 30,


Also Indian Med. Gaz.

3 1. Ficalbi, Revisione systematica d. fam. delle Culicidae Europea, Florence, 1896.

32. Ross, "Observations on a condition necessary to the transformation of the malaria

crescent.", Brit. Med. J., Jan. 30 (1897) 251.

3 3. Ross, "Further observations on the transformation of crescents.", Trans. South Indian

Branch, Brit. Med. Assoc

., Jul. (1897). (Read Jan. 29, 1897). Also Indian Med. Gaz.,


34. Ross, "Notes on some cases of malaria, Amoeba coli and Cercomonas.", Indian Med.


May (1897). (Proofs not corrected; full of typographical errors.)

35. Simond, "L’évolution des Sporozoaires du genre Coccidium.", Ann. Inst. Pasteur, Jul.


36. MacCallum, "On the flagellated form of the malaria parasite.", Lancet, Nov. 13

(1897). Also J. Exptl. Med., 3 (1898).

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37. Manson, "A method of staining the malarial flagellate organism.", Brit. Med. J., 2

(1897) 68.

38Ross, "On some peculiar pigmented cells found in two mosquitoes fed on malarial

blood.", Brit. Med. J., Dec. 18 (1897) 1786.

39. Ross, "Pigmented cells in mosquitoes.", Brit. Med. J., Feb. 26 (1898).

40. Ross, "Report on a preliminary investigation into malaria in the Sigur Ghat, Ootaca-

mund.", Trans. South  Indian Branch, Brit. Med. Assoc., Feb. (1898). Also Indian Med.


Apr. (1898).

41. Manson, "Surgeon Major Ronald Ross’s recent investigations on the mosquito ma-

laria theory.", Brit. Med. J., Jun. 18 (1898).

42Ross, Report on the  Cultivation of Proteosoma, Labbi, in Grey Mosquitoes, dated May

21, 1898, Government Printing, Calcutta, 1898, p. 14. Also Indian Med. Gaz., Nov.,

Dec. (1898). (In this copy only one of the plates is given.) Second edition, Govern-

ment Printing, 1901. (Many printers’ errors.)

43. Manson, "The mosquito and the malaria parasite.", Brit. Med. J., Sep. 24 (1898).

(Read at the Edinburgh Meeting of the British Medical Association at the end of


44. Grassi, "Rapporte tra la malaria e pecuhare insetti (zanzaroni e zanzare palustri)",

dated September 29, Policlinico, Oct. 1 (1898).

45Grassi, The same article as the above with the omission of certain passages, and un-

dated, Atti Accad. Lincei - "pervenute all’Accademia prima del 2 Ottobre 1898".

46Ross, Preliminary Report on the Infection of Birds with Proteosoma by the Bites of  Mosqui-


dated Oct. 11, 1898. Government Press, Calcutta.

47. Grassi, "La malaria propagata per mezzo de peculiari insetti.", Atti Accad. Lincei, Se-

duta del 6 Novembre 1898.

48. Bignami, "Come si prendone le febri malariche.", Ric. Sper., Bull. Accad. Med. Roma,

dated Nov. 15, 1898. Also translation in Lancet, Dec. 3, 10 (1898).

49. Grassi and Dionisi, "Il ciclo evolutivo degli emosporidi.", Atti Accad. Lincei, seduta

del 4 Decembre 1898.

50. Bignami and Bastianelli, "On the structure of the semilunar and flagellate bodies of

malarial fevers.", Lancet, Dec. 17 (1898).

51. Bastianelli, Bignami, and Grassi, "Kultivazione della semilune malariche dell’uomo

nell’ Anopheles claviger. Fabr.", Atti Accad. Lincei, inviata il 28 Novembre 1898; sedu-

ta del 4 decembre 1898, p. 314.

52. Grassi, "Rapporte tra la malaria e gli artropodi.", Atti Accad. Lincei, seduta del 4 de-

cembre 1898.

53. Bastianelli, Bignami, and Grassi, "Ulteriori ricerche sul ciclo parassiti malarici umani

nel corpo del zanzarone.", Atti Accad. Lincei, dated Dec. 22, 1898. Also later papers

read on Feb. 5 and May 7.

54. Ross, "Du rôle des moustiques dans le paludisme.", Ann. Inst. Pasteur, (1899) 136.

Presented to the Académie de Médecine, Jan. 24, 1899.

55. Ross, "Extermination of malaria.", Indian Med. Gaz., Jul. (1899). (Report to Go



ernment of India, dated Feb. 16, 1899.)

56. Bastianelli and Bignami, "Sullo sviluppo dei parassiti della terzana.", Bull Accad.


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Med. Roma, 

1898-1899, Fasc. III dated Apr. 19. Also (with aggiunta), Ann. Igiene

Sper. (1899).

57. Grassi, "Ancora sulla malaria.", Atti Accad. Lincei, seduta del 18 giugno.

58. Ross, "The possibility of extirpating malaria from certain localities by a new meth-

od.", Brit. Med. J., July 1 (1899).

59. Ross, "Life-history of the parasites of malaria.", Nature, Aug. 3 (1899).

60. Correspondent (R. Ross). "The malaria expedition to Sierra Leone.", Brit. Med. J.

Sep. 9, 16, 30, Oct. 14 (1899).

61. Bastianelli and Bignami, "Sulla struttura dei parassitti malarici, e, in specie, dei ga-

mete dei parassite estivo-autunnale.", Ann. Igiene Sper., (1899).

62. Grassi, Bignami, and Bastianelli, "Ciclo evolutivo delle semilune nell’ Anopheles cla-

viger ed altri studi sulla malaria dall’ Ottobre 1898 all Maggio 1899.", Ann. Igiene

Sper., (1899).

63. Koch, "Über die Entwickelung der Malaria Parasiten.", Z. Hyg. Infektionskrankh., 32


64. Koch, "Berichte über die Thätigkeit der Malaria Expeditionen.", Deut. Med. Woch-


(1899), (1900).

65. Nuttall, "On the rôle of insects, arachnids and myriapods, as carriers in the spread of

bacterial and parasitic diseases of man and animals.", Johns Hopkins Hosp. Rept., 8.

Also in Hyg. Rundschau, (1899).

66. Nuttall, "Die Mosquito Malaria Theorie.", Zentr. Bakteriol., (1899).

67. Ross, Annett, and Austen, Report of  the Malaria Expedition of the  Liverpool School of

Tropical Medicine and Medical Parasitology, 

Univ. Press Liverpool, Mem. 2, Feb., 1900.

68. Ross, "Malaria and mosquitoes.", Nature, Mar. 29 (1900). Also French transl., Rev.


Jun. 23 (1900).

69. Grassi, "Studi di uno zoologo sulla malaria.", Atti Accad. Lincei, 4 Giugno (1900).

70. Lord Lister, Presidential Address to the Royal Society on the 30th November, 1900. E



tract in Brit. Med. J., Dec. 8 ( 1900).

71. Daniels, Stephens, and Christophers, Reports to the Malaria Committee of the Royal


 1899-l903 (numerous papers).

72. Ross, "Le scoperte del Prof. Grassi sulla malaria." (two papers), Policlinico, (1900),


73. Calandruccio, Le Scoperte del Prof G. B. Grassi Sulla Malaria, con note ed aggiunte. Tip

Barbagallo, Catania, 1900.

74. Nuttah, 


the question of priority with regard to certain discoveries upon the

aetiology of malarial diseases", Quart. J. Microscop. Sci., (1901) 429.

75. Theobald, A Monograph of the Culicidae or Mosquitoes, London, 1901.

76. Ross, "Die Entdeckungen des Herm G. B. Grassi bezüglich der Malaria und der Mos-

quitoes", Deut. Med. Wochschr., Mar. 27 (1902) 231.

77. Giles, Report on Kala-Azar, Assam Secretarial Press, 1890.

78. Rogers, Report on Kala-Azar, Assam Secretarial Press, 1897. Also see Indian Med.


Nov. (1897).

79Ross, Report on Kala-Azar, dated Jan. 30, 1899, Government Press, Calcutta, 1899.

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These Plates are copied from those given in my Report on the Cultivation of Proteosoma,

Labbé, in Grey Mosquitoes, 

dated the 21st May, 1898; but in the description I have sub-

stituted for the appellation proteosoma-coccidia, temporarily used by me for the pigmented


, the word now generally employed, namely zygotes.


All the figures and plates were drawn by me accurately according to scale from

actual preparations, most of which were preserved in formalin. Plates II to IX are faithful

representations of entire fields.


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Plates II-VIII. Fields of Leitz oel.  imm. 170 minim. 1/12 th (inch).


Plate II. External coat of stomach studded with young zygotes of about 30 hours. Air

vessel, crossing muscular fibres, and some oil globules, are seen.

Plate I. Drawings of zygotes from the second to the twelfth day.

Figs. 1-5, zygotes of the second day. Fig. 6, stained.

Figs. 7-11, zygotes of the third day. Fig. 12, stained.

Figs. 13, 14, 15, zygotes of the fourth day. Fig. 16, stained.

Figs. 17, zygote of the fifth day.

Figs. 18-22, zygotes of the sixth day and later.

Figs. 23, drawing in outline of the stomach of a mosquito studded with zygotes of the

sixth day, seen by a low power.

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Plate III. External coat of stomach studded with young zygotes of about 40 hours.

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Plate IV. Zygotes of third day. Vacuolated forms.


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Plate VII. Zygotes of the fifth day.


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Plate IX. Pyloric end of stomach studded with zygotes of the seventh day, seen by a

power of medium strength.

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