We make them with rice.
They are made with rice.
Ask who ‘We’ are (people who make stringhoppers).
Ask who ‘They’ are (stringhoppers)
‘Make’ is active because the subject (we) does the action.
‘Are made’ is passive because the subject (they) has the
action done to them.
Label the verb forms as above. Point out that ‘to be’ (in any
tense) plus past participle are needed to form the passive.
Students complete the exercise.
1 are picked
2 are used
3 is needed
4 grown
Sequencing words 06 Linking your ideas together appropriately is very important
in IELTS writing. Each task type requires diferent types of
linkers. For describing a process, students need to make
it clear in which order the steps take place. The words in
the box are all suitable for this kind of task. As students do
exercise 6, they need to think about the logical order of the
steps as well as the grammar.
1 First
2 Ater
3 Then / Next
4 The next stage
5 Next / Then
6 Finally
Alternative If your class is doing well with this lesson, refer them back to
the pictures and elicit the steps before doing this exercise.
This will give them a chance to practise the vocabulary and
the use of the Passive as practised in previous exercises.
Introduction and overview 07 Stress that the introduction and overview are not the same
and both are essential to any task 1 essay, not just describing
a process. The diference between the two is that the
introduction tells the reader what type of data it is (e.g. whether
it is diagrams showing a process or charts with data on exports
from two diferent countries). The overview tells the reader
something about the data itself without going into detail.
a overview
b introduction
08 a and d are not overviews
Explain that:
a. is an introduction
d is an introduction plus first stage. There does not appear
to be an overview, but the overview doesn’t have to be ater
the introduction; it could also be at the end.