don’t need to get creative , this is not poetry. This is a boring technical
writing. You need to
recognize the verbs , and then you need to
recognize the nouns ,
adverbs and adjectives . Just use what I gave you, learn the
simple words here, learn the simple grammar and you will find that you have
an incredible range of words and structures just by using the combination of
the basics I’ve mentioned above.
Other basic language: A doubling
(10% à 20%)
A tripling
three times
(10% à 30%)
Rocketed = soared = increased substantially/significantly/dramatically = plunged = plummeted Decrease = decline = fall = experience a decrease So all that you need to know is just some basic things, and you are able to
change the words around a little bit
that’s the key . You
don’t need to
learn a ton of grammar
. You just need to learn this grammar and how to use
these words. That’s it, and then you will become a master of IELTS task 1
writing. Now, I would like to warn you that
the biggest problem my students
have when it comes to task 1 writing is that
they don’t believe it’s simple.
When it comes to give you
dates and times
, and to give you
, you
don’t need to use prepositions. What prepositions do we need?
From, in, to or
at . So, even the prepositions that you need are very limited, you just
need to pay attention and notice what is going to be used in the same
structure over and over again.
The only thing that will change
will be basic
things here are:
What happens or happened?
The figure?
What’s being measures?
(The unit of measurement)
The dates?
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It’s totally mathematical. It’s a formula. Got it?