Suwarsih Madya, Universitas Sarjanawiyata Tamansiswa, Indonesia Honorable Prof. Akmal Ahatov, Pro-Rector, Sharof Rashidov Samarkand State University,
Dearest Prof. Ravinder Gargesh, Conference Chair
Distinguished speakers
Valued Participants
Ladies and gentlemen
It is a great pleasure and a privilege for me to convey a congratulatory speech in this happy and
inspiring occasion of the international hybrid conference on “Resolving complexities in English
Studies: Theoretical and Pedagogical Perspectives”. It is indeed a high time to raise this theme
due to the various developments in digital technology, with artificial intelligence being inherent
in it, certainly with its big impacts on every walk of life, being the impetus of the emerging
technologies and pedagogies. It certainly has numerous implications for the teaching and
learning of English, which has itself evolved into world Englishes. The OC’s strong awareness
of all of this has been reflected in the list of topics with their implied issues to be addressed in
this conference.
In my capacity as President of AsiaTELF, let me express my big hope that this conference will
provide ample opportunities for the ELT instructors, researchers and policy makers to exchange
ideas, share experiences, and establish cooperation and collaboration. In the present era with
faster and faster change, it will be very difficult, if not impossible, for us to work alone in
solving problems we encounter in our professional life. It is a necessity to cooperate and
collaborate with others, which may start or be renewed with communication in this conference.
In this way, this conference finds its significance.
Our success in solving the more complex ELT problems will be better ensured if ELT
organizations join hands and professional memberships are expanded. In this connection, I
expect that more ELT professionals from Central Asian countries enthusiastically join AsiaTEFL
as members.
To conclude, I wish everyone a productive deliberation and enjoyable friendship during the
conference. My big congratulation to the Organizing Committee.
Thank you for your kind attention.
Suwarsih Madya
President, AsiaTEFL
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