depressed to essentially functionless levels by
anesthetic depressant drugs, yet lose none of its
capacity for total recovery when the anesthetic
disappears. Several investigators have demon-
strated that experimental animals and humans
can be resuscitated to full functional activity
after periods of deep anesthesia producing
hours to days of isoelectric EEG flattening.
This tolerability is used clinically in cases of
status epilepticus to prevent continuous seizure
activity from damaging the brain. A corollary is
that in cases of coma due to sedative overdose,
the depth and duration of coma are not indic-
ative of the potential for recovery of function.
In animal experiments, general anesthesia,
either before or within a few hours of an is-
chemic insult to the brain, protects against
brain damage when measured a few days af-
ter the insult. However, at 3 weeks there is no
difference in the degree of neuronal damage
between the anesthetized animals and those
treated without anesthesia,
indicating no
protection against the delayed effects of anoxia
(see page 219).
Clinical experience with barbiturate anes-
thesia and drug poisoning indicates that given
good medical care, most patients usually survive
Multifocal, Diffuse, and Metabolic Brain Diseases Causing Delirium, Stupor, or Coma
anesthesia, even profound suppression of neu-
ral activity resulting from self-administered bar-
biturates or other sedative drugs. Even when
coma is so deep that artificial respiration must
be provided for several days and the blood
pressure supported by vasopressor agents for
a week or more, patients can awaken with no
apparent or measurable impairment of brain
function. Hence, it is critical to determine the
presence of sedative overdose when evaluating
the prognosis of a patient in coma, even those
with other causes of coma.
The complete reversibility of anesthetic
coma, plus the low metabolic rate that accom-
panies deep anesthesia, has inspired efforts to
determine whether barbiturate anesthesia can
minimize the expected extent of postanoxic is-
chemic brain damage. Barbiturates also scav-
enge free radicals from reoxygenated tissue,
but it remains to be proved that this represents
an important biologic function in resuscitation.
On the other hand, phenobarbital also induces
cytochrome P450, which serves as a source of
reactive oxygen species. Whether these oppo-
site effects help, hurt, or have no effect on the
brain is unclear.
Of some interest, a ran-
domized trial of neonates with hypoxic-
ischemic encephalopathy indicates that phe-
nobarbital in a dose of 20 mg/kg given intra-
venously within 6 hours of birth in term and
near-term neonates was associated with a de-
crease in lipid peroxides. There was also a de-
crease in antioxidant enzymes and antioxidant
vitamins in the CSF. A trend suggested that
lower levels of lipid peroxides in the CSF were
associated with a better outcome.
rate coma is effective in controlling intractable
status epilepticus, but its role in any other brain
injury is, at this writing, uncertain.
rate anesthesia has been applied to patients in
coma from head trauma. It lowers ICP, but it is
unclear if it affects outcome.
Anoxia, ischemia, and hypoglycemia, although
biologically different,
can combine under
several circumstances to damage the brain.
Somewhat different but overlapping patho-
logic changes characterize the irreversible
brain injury caused by each of these three
conditions. Systemic and local circulatory dif-
ferences among them influence the exact ge-
ography and type of cellular response. Similar
changes in the brain mark the postmortem
findings of several conditions, including pa-
tients dying in coma after fatal status epi-
lepticus, carbon monoxide poisoning, or several
of the systemic metabolic encephalopathies.
Global Ischemia
Complete cerebral ischemia, as in cardiac ar-
rest in man, causes loss of consciousness in less
than 20 seconds. Within 5 minutes, glucose and
high-energy phosphate stores are depleted.
Following that the patient, even if successfully
resuscitated, may be left severely brain dam-
aged. This is especially true in elderly pa-
tients who most frequently suffer cardiac ar-
rest because their brains are more vulnerable
to ischemic damage. By definition, during car-
diac arrest the CBF falls to zero. Resuscita-
tion results in transient hyperemia with in-
creased blood flow and oxygen metabolism;
subsequently, both decrease in a heteroge-
neous fashion.
In most patients, when blood
flow is re-established, cerebral autoregulation
is either absent or the curve is shifted to the
right, such that CBF begins to fall at a higher
mean arterial pressure than it did before the
cardiac arrest. As a result, it is important to
maintain normal and perhaps slightly elevated
blood pressure after cardiac arrest.
Both vascular and neuronal factors play a role
in the seemingly brief periods of global ischemia
that can damage the brain in clinical circum-
stances. Changes to vascular endothelium dur-
ing the course of ischemia, as well as additional
changes to glial cells (swelling to compress en-
dothelial vessels, viscosity changes in blood),
may lead to poor perfusion once cardiac func-
tion is restored. This so-called ‘‘no-reflow phe-
increases with prolonged duration
of ischemia.
Loss of autoregulation can
aggravate edema formation, lead to hemor-
rhage, and cause additional neuronal damage,
so-called ‘‘reperfusion injury.’’
The combi-
nation of the ischemia and its aftermath results
in neuronal necrosis,
particularly in the hip-
pocampus, but if the ischemia is prolonged,
elsewhere in the hemispheres as well.
Although the exact mechanisms are not un-
derstood, it is likely that during the ischemia
Plum and Posner’s Diagnosis of Stupor and Coma
the loss of high-energy phosphates causes cel-
lular depolarization that induces the release of
glutamate, which in turn causes entry of toxic
levels of calcium into neurons. In the reper-
fusion phase, the restoration of oxidative me-
tabolism probably produces a burst of excess
free radicals that are also cytotoxic.
Cardiac arrest can either cause death of
neurons, particularly in vulnerable areas asso-
ciated with reactive astrocytes, or microinfarcts
and areas of pancellular necrosis associated with
perivascular diffuse tissue spongiosis. The lat-
ter lesions appear in a laminar distribution and
are more profound in watershed zones between
the major territories of arterial supply. Both
types of lesions are more intense and hetero-
geneous in patients dying after a period of pro-
longed coma.
Particularly vulnerable areas include the oc-
cipital cortex, the frontoparietal cortex, the
hippocampus, the basal ganglia, the thalamic
reticular nucleus, Purkinje cells of the cerebel-
lum, and the spinal cord (Figure 5–5). Laminar
necrosis of the cortex generally involves layers
III and V, which contain the greatest numbers
of large pyramidal cells. The most vulnerable
area is the CA1 region of the hippocampus.
Some patients with lesions restricted to the
CA1 region who recover from cardiac arrest
can develop a residual severe anterograde am-
nesia (see Patient 5–6).
Focal Ischemia
Focal ischemia differs from global ischemia in
that it allows for collateral circulation to deliver
at least some blood to the areas surrounding
the area of no perfusion induced by the vas-
cular occlusion. The surrounding area, called
the penumbra,
suffers low flow but not cel-
lular death. It is the goal of the physician treat-
ing the patient to try to preserve that area and
return its metabolism to normal. Like global
ischemia, damage can occur either during
the ischemic period or during reperfusion.
Schaller and Graf
have diagramed a three-
peaked curve presenting times at which the
penumbra is susceptible to tissue damage. The
first occurs during ischemia with damage re-
sulting from oxygen depletion, energy failure,
depolarization of neurons and synapses, and
homeostasis failure. The second occurs after
reperfusion with damage caused by excitotox-
icity as well as disturbed homeostasis. The third
occurs several weeks later with late damage to
neurons and glial cells via both necrosis and
apoptosis. As indicated above, interventions
that appear to ameliorate the first two peaks,
such as the use of anesthetic agents at the time
of ischemia, do not appear to have any effect
on the delayed necrosis.
Focal ischemia also differs from global is-
chemia in its therapeutic window. The phy-
sician has minutes to restore circulation in a
patient with cardiac arrest before irreversible
brain damage with a significant neurologic def-
icit occurs. With focal ischemia there is, by def-
inition, collateral blood flow to the surrounding
tissue and often an area of partial ischemia, the
penumbra that surrounds the area of most in-
tense ischemia. The tissue constituting the
penumbra may have blood flow below the level
at which it functions normally, but yet not so
low as to cause immediate infarction. Hence,
there is often a window of time that may persist
Figure 5–5. Computed tomography scan of a comatose
patient after prolonged cardiopulmonary resuscitation. The
scan was taken at a time when the patient was deeply co-
matose but breathing. The brain is swollen, with cortical
sulci virtually obliterated. No signal differentiation can be
seen between gray and white matter. The lentiform nuclei
are hypointense, suggesting basal ganglia infarction. (Scan
courtesy Dr. Sasan Karimi.)
Multifocal, Diffuse, and Metabolic Brain Diseases Causing Delirium, Stupor, or Coma
for several hours, during which the tissue in the
penumbra can be saved; in some cases this will
reduce the area of what would otherwise be
infarcted tissue to the point where there may
be little or no neurologic deficit. The exact time
window undoubtedly varies depending on the
individual vascular anatomy and the nature of
the vascular obstruction, but evidence from
trials of thrombolytic therapy indicates that it
often persists for as long as 3 hours. The time
window may, in fact, be longer, but by 3 hours
the risk of a hemorrhage into the infarcted tis-
sue becomes greater than the benefit from sal-
vaging partially ischemic tissue.
Hyperglycemia during reperfusion increases
infarct volume and may cause hemorrhage. It
also reduces the CBF. The mechanism for this
effect is not clear, but it could result from dam-
age to endothelium, increased expression of ad-
hesion molecules, or glycosylation of critical
proteins that lead to vasodilation.
Patient 5–6
A 44-year-old woman was found unconscious in
her room when her husband returned home. He
called for paramedics and she was transported to
the hospital, where a diagnosis of carbon monoxide
poisoning was made. She had a brief period of
cardiac arrest from which she was resuscitated. She
remained first unconscious and then poorly re-
sponsive for about 10 days before recovering.
When she recovered she appeared a little euphoric
but was able to relate to her husband and family in
perfectly logical fashion. She returned home and
tried to go back to work as a college teacher of
Spanish. Unfortunately, she rapidly discovered that
she could not remember where she had parked her
car and could not remember what she was to teach
that day, although once she was involved in teach-
ing, she was able to do relatively well. With careful
preparation of lesson plans in advance and ar-
rangements for her car to be in the same place and
described to her in writing, she was able to con-
tinue to function at the community college.
Unlike ischemia and hypoglycemia, hypoxia
alone is rarely responsible for brain necrosis.
In fact, hypoxic preconditioning of experimen-
tal animals by exposure to moderate hypoxia of
8% to 10% oxygen for 3 hours protects against
cerebral ischemia delivered 1 or 2 days later.
Miyamoto and Auer exposed rats to an arterial
of 25 torr for 15 minutes and failed to find
necrotic neurons.
Unilateral carotid ligation
(ischemia) caused necrosis even in animals ex-
posed to an arterial O
of 100 torr. In these
experiments, hypoxia exacerbated the effects of
ischemia. In most situations in humans, hypoxia
leads to either hypotension or cardiac arrest so
that hypoxic insults are for the most part a
mixture of hypoxic and ischemic injury.
Pure hypoxia, such as occurs in carbon
monoxide poisoning, is more likely to lead to
delayed injury to the subcortical structures of
the hemispheres. Typically the damage will
occur 1 to several days after the patient awak-
ens from the hypoxic episode and involves a
characteristic distribution, including the pos-
terior hemispheric white matter and basal gan-
glia, often leaving the patient blind and with a
choreic movement disorder. A similar pattern
of brain injury is seen with a variety of mito-
chondrial encephalopathies and deficits in car-
bohydrate metabolism, suggesting that the in-
jury is due to failure of oxidative metabolism.
The reason that the injury has a predilection
for these sites is unknown, although the neu-
rons in the globus pallidus have a particularly
high constitutive firing rate, and this may pre-
dispose them to hypoxic injury.
Several neurotransmitters control arousal,
sleep-wake cycles, and consciousness. They
are probably also involved in metabolic en-
cephalopathies and their role, where known,
is discussed in the sections below on specific
The cholinergic system described in Chapter 1
plays an important role in consciousness.
The nicotinic alpha-4-beta-2 receptor is in-
hibited by clinically relevant doses of volatile
Plum and Posner’s Diagnosis of Stupor and Coma
anesthetics and ketamine, although whether
the inhibition is clinically relevant is not
However, anticholinergic agents that
cross the blood-brain barrier can cause mem-
ory loss and florid delirium, and anticholiner-
gic medications are an independent risk factor
for delirium in older medical inpatients.
Dopamine plays a key role in arousal. A wide
range of stimulant drugs (amphetamine, meth-
ylphenidate, modafinil) are antagonists of the
dopamine reuptake pump, and if mice lack this
dopamine transporter, the drugs do not have a
stimulatory effect. Patients with Parkinson’s
disease have increased sleepiness, as do pa-
tients treated with dopamine antagonists. Par-
adoxically, D2 agonist drugs can also cause
sleepiness. The reason for this puzzling re-
sponse appears to be due to the fact that the
D2 receptor can be either pre- or postsynaptic.
Dopamine has its major stimulatory effects
via postsynaptic receptors, but the D2 receptor
is also found presynaptically on dopamine
terminals, where it down-regulates dopamine
release. Thus, D2 agonist drugs reduce endog-
enous dopamine release. Interestingly, dopa-
mine agonists can cause delirium, whereas
dopamine blockers are often used to treat de-
lirium. Dopamine antagonists also cause EEG
Dopamine release is increased in
hypoxia at a time when acetylcholine release is
Gamma-Aminobutyric Acid
As indicated above, the GABA
receptor is a
major target of many general anesthetic agents.
Benzodiazepines, which are GABA
tiators, can cause memory loss, delirium,
and, rarely, coma.
Increased concentra-
tions of endogenous GABA agonists, both
benzodiazepine-like and non-benzodiazepine-
like, have been found in patients with hepatic
A variety of GABA
ceptor agonists, such as baclofen, are also se-
dating. Gamma-hydroxybutyrate (GHB), which
has recently been approved for use in narco-
lepsy, binds both to GABA
receptors and
probably to specific GHB receptors. This drug
causes profound impairment of consciousness
and high-voltage delta-wave EEG activity. It
has achieved a reputation as a ‘‘date rape’’ drug
because in lower doses it causes memory loss
and sometimes delirium.
Several investigators have implicated the evo-
lutionary very old serotonin in the pathogen-
esis of delirium. Both high and low levels of
serotonin have been associated with delir-
Serotonin levels are dependent on
the transport of tryptophan, a large neutral ar-
omatic amino acid that crosses the blood-brain
barrier. Because several other large amino ac-
ids, including isoleucine, leucine, methionine,
phenylalanine, and tyrosine, use the same sat-
urable carrier, they compete with one another.
Thus, changes in the amino acid levels in the
plasma affect serotonin metabolism in the brain.
For example, recent studies suggest that inges-
tion of tryptophane-rich alpha-lactalbumin at
bedtime improves morning alertness and brain
measures of attention in normal individuals.
The effect of serotonin withdrawal is a little
less clear. Increased tryptophan uptake results
in increased brain serotonin activity in patients
with hepatic encephalopathy.
Histamine is now known to play a key role in
maintaining a waking state. Histamine neurons
in the tuberomammillary nucleus in the hypo-
thalamus comprise a major component of the
ascending arousal system. Inhibition of the his-
tamine neurons with a GABA agonist in cats
causes sleepiness, and disinhibition with bi-
cuculline causes wakefulness and prevents the
sedating effects of anesthetics. Animals with
knockouts either of the gene for histidine de-
carboxylase, which synthesizes histamine, or
the H
receptor, which is found in the cerebral
cortex, are more sleepy and do not respond
to other arousing neurotransmitters such as
orexin. Those H
antagonists that are used to
treat allergies and also cross the blood-brain
barrier cause considerable sleepiness in hu-
mans. H
antagonists, such as cimetidine, rani-
tidine, and famotidine, have, on rare occasions,
been associated with delirium, particularly in
the elderly.
This response may be due to
Multifocal, Diffuse, and Metabolic Brain Diseases Causing Delirium, Stupor, or Coma
nonspecific interaction with other histamine
receptor subtypes.
The most common excitatory neurotransmit-
ter in the brain, glutamate is used by almost all
neurons involved in thalamocortical and long-
range corticocortical transmission. Drugs that
block NMDA receptors, which are required for
memory phenomena such as long-term poten-
tiation (LTP), including ketamine, nitrous ox-
ide, and phencyclidine, cause intense delirium.
However, these drugs do not reduce activity in
the arousal system, and may in fact heighten it.
As a result, subjects who have had ketamine
often report bizarre and distorted experiences,
but may be aware even when they appear not
to be. Up-regulation of glutamate neurotrans-
mission has been associated with alcohol with-
drawal delirium (delirium tremens).
Norepinephrine is used by neurons of the locus
coeruleus, which also is a major component of
the ascending arousal system. Although ablation
of the locus coeruleus has minimal effects on
consciousness, due to redundant pathways from
other monoaminergic systems, its neurons fire
in association with novel stimuli in the environ-
ment and are most active during wakefulness.
Beta blockers can cause depression, but not
impairment of consciousness. Alpha blockers
mainly impair consciousness when they cause
peripheral vasodilation and orthostatic hypo-
tension. CSF norepinephrine is elevated during
alcohol withdrawal
and may be involved in
opiate withdrawal as well; treatment with the
alpha-2 agonist clonidine can relieve the with-
drawal symptoms. Cocaine, which blocks reup- Dostları ilə paylaş: |