Plural Noun yoki Uncountable Noun

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Lesson 15 pronouns

Pronouns olmoshlar (mestaimenya)
Some/any/no both/either/neither all/the whole/ every/ each/ other/ another/ the other/ most/ much / many/ a little /a few. Reflexive
Some sozi ozgina biroz deb tarjima qilinib Plural Noun yoki Uncountable Noun bilan ishlatiladi.
!!! Attention some negative gaplarda ishlatilmaydi.
-I have some money but I need some again
Some asosan positive gaplarda ishlatiladi.
They bought some honey
Some so’roq gaplarda biror narsani taklif qilish yoki iltimos uchun ishlatilishi mumkin
-Would you like some tea? (taklif)
- Could you lend me some money?(iltimos)
Some so’zi Countable singular Nounlar oldidan kelganda no’malum kishi yoki narsani ko’rsatish uchun “qandaydir bir” degan ma’noda ishlatiladi
-Some idiot parked his car in front of my garage
Some raqamlar oldidan ishlatilsa taxminan degan manoni beradi.
When I got to the library there were some 20 students inside.
Someone,somebody,something,somewhere(birlik hisoblanadi)
-Someone wants to speak to you on the phone
-Somebody’s passport has been stolen
-If you are hungry ,Why don’t you eat something?
-I want to go somewhere with my close friends to have a good time with

Any so’zi Plural yoki uncountable Nounlar bilan birga ishlatiladi
Any 3 xil gap turida kelib turlicha ma’noni beradi
Darak gap-Har qanday(Any+Singular Noun)
-Any dictionary will help you to find the meaning of this word
So’roq gap-qandaydir
-Did he catch any fish?
Inkor gap-hech qanday
-I have not seen any of these films
If va whether dan keyin ishlatiladi
-I don’t know whether there is any petrol in the tank
-If you need any money, let me know
Anyone,anybody,anything,anywhere(birlik hisoblanadi)
-Is there anyone you know?
-He drinks anything
-I don’t want to waste anybody’s time
-Do you have anywhere to go?

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