Hemorroids, ectopic varices and portal hipertension
Aliyev Sh.H., Bakhshaliyev Z.F., Aliyev T.M.
Azerbaijan State Advanced Training Institute for Doctors named by A.Aliyev,
department of surgery II, Baku, Azerbaijan
Gastrointestinal bleeding in patients with portal hypertension is usually secondary to esophageal
varices, but massive bleeding from gastric mucosal lesions and colonic mucosal lesions
including colorectal varices, have been variably described. These lesions are called portal
hypertensive gastropathy and colopathy. The clinical feature and profile of portal hypertensive
colopathy is classified two groups, which are named colorectal varices and colonic mucosal
lesions. Although colorectal varices are usually seen at rectum and sigmoid colon, colonic
mucosal lesions are seen all part of colon. Significant relationship between colorectal varices and
liver disease has been reported and colorectal varices is highly appeared in patients with
extrahepatic portal obstruction. Many advances in the management of portal hypertension and
variceal hemorrhage have occurred during the last 10 years: nonselective beta blockers,
terlipressin, somatostatin or its analogues and endoscopic therapy (sclerotherapy, band liqation),
transjugular intrahepatic portosystemic shunt (TIPS) etc.
Keywords: portal hipertension, esophageal varices, anorectal varices, hemorroids, cirrotic
Redaksiyaya daxil olub: 03.10.2016
Çapa tövsiyə olunub: 31.10.2016
Rəyçi: t.ü.e.d. Saidova F.X.