If enabled, you can use the autolocate database arguments with the admin() or task() function to
If enabled, you can use the autolocate database arguments with the admin() or task() function to
Manage the list of dbspaces for automatic location and fragmentation:
The list of available dbspaces is in the sysautolocate system catalog table.
Disable automatic location and fragmentation for the specified database.
You can use the AUTOLOCATE environment option of the SET ENVIRONMENT statement of SQL to enable or disable the value of the AUTOLOCATE configuration parameter for a session.
It is anticipated that the implementation of this feature will lead to fewer out of storage space errors and fewer databases and objects being created in under sized/allocated storage spaces.
It is anticipated that this will lead to fewer outages caused by having user defined databases and tables and indexes being stored in the rootdbs and causing that space to fill up completely (and stop the instance) or extend/expand unnecessarily beyond its original size.
It is anticipated that this will lead to fewer outages caused by having user defined databases and tables and indexes being stored in the rootdbs and causing that space to fill up completely (and stop the instance) or extend/expand unnecessarily beyond its original size.
This has been a long standing user issue and seen in many places.