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Qafqaz University                                                                                          17-18 April 2015, Baku, Azerbaijan 

biləcəyi kimi, qurbanın yerində özünü qəbul edərək, empatiya qurur və  ağrı-acı, məyusluq 

hissi duya bilir. 

Şüurlu şəkildə doğru bilinərək atılmış addımların, məsələn günah işləmiş insanlara qarşı 

gəlmək, onları özlərinin aid olduğu qrupa laiq görməmək kimi davranışlar etmək və ya hiss 

eletdirmək heç də  məsələnin həllinə  gətirib çıxartmır, tam əksinə  hətta qurban üçün daha 

gərgin vəziyyətin yarandığını göstərir. 

Ailənin daxili sistemini və buradakı  həll yolunu ancaq ehtiyac duyulan hadisələrə  və 

burada iştirak edən bütün insanlara öz fikirlərini və iddia etdiyi fərziyyələri sübut etməyə cəhd 

göstərmədən və heç bir mənfi və ya müsbət yöndə fayda vermək düşüncəsi olmadan baxıl-

dığında görmək mümkündür. 

Ailə sıralamasına baxılması bir fərdin öz ailəsindəki vəziyyəti bilməsi və ya bu terapiya 

üçün tanımadığı insanlardan bir neçəsini öz ailə üzvlərinin sayına uyğun olaraq seçərək və 

onları hissiyatına əsaslanaraq bir şəkildə düzməsi ilə başlayır və sonra fərdin baş verəcək ha-

disələri müşahidə etməsi ilə davam edir. Terapiyada şəxsin tanımadığı bu insanlar tanımadığı 

bu şəxsin ailə üzvlərinin şüuraltı səviyyəsində yatan hisslərini psixoterapevt tərəfindən suallar 

verildiyində ifadə edirlər. Beləliklə, üzvlər arasındakı yerdəyişmə ailədəki hər kəsin özünə 

uyğun yerini tapana qədər davam edir. Problemin həllinə hər kəs öz rolunda olduğu, öz prob-

lemlərini öhdəsinə götürdüyü və başqalarınınkına müdaxilə etməkdən çəkindiyi zaman müvəf-

fəq olmaq mümkündür. 















Qafqaz University                                                                                          17-18 April 2015, Baku, Azerbaijan 





Qafqaz University                                                                                          17-18 April 2015, Baku, Azerbaijan 




17-18, April 2015, Baku, Azerbaijan 
















Qafqaz University                                                                                          17-18 April 2015, Baku, Azerbaijan 




Azerbaijan University of Languages 



Debates on translation since late 1960s, though under different concepts and approaches 

such as formal vs. dynamic equivalence, semantic vs. communicative translation, overt vs. 

covert translation, adequacy vs. acceptability, and functional approach, tried to deal with the 

issue of source or target-language oriented translation. The current abstract touches upon the 

criteria established for the assessment of translation, namely the principles of “adequacy” and 


G. Toury uses the notion of equivalence to elaborate his categories of “adequate” and 

“acceptable” translations. According to him, if the translation process moves towards the 

source text, the translation product will be adequate. On the other hand, if the translation 

process moves towards the norms in the target language, the result will be an acceptable TT. 

(Toury, Gideon 1995.Descriptive Translation Studies and Beyond.Amsterdam-Philadelphia. 

John Benjamins.) Thus, in the pursuit of an adequate translation, the translator will tend to 

adhere to the norms of the ST and, in general, those of the source language, while in the 

search for strategies to achieve an acceptable translation, he/she will be guided by the norms 

of the TT and TL. 

The proper choice of approach is conditioned by some other factors as well. In literary 

translation the translator has to adopt a retrospective approach, i.e., the translator “looks back” 

at the source text, at the author of the ST, what he/she wants to express and how he/she 

expresses it. There is no parallel or model text in the target text to refer or to use. The 

translator has to be loyal to the author, because even he or she reproduces the original text in 

the target language, the translation will be marketed under the name of the original author. 

However, in non-literary translation, translator adopts prospective approach, i.e. he/she “looks 

forward”, benefits from the available parallel texts existing in the target language and tries to 

produce the relevant text to meet the expectations of the target audience.  

Adequacy is determined on the comparison of the textual elements, whereas acceptability 

on the comparison to target cultural elements. The context of culture in which the words exist 

needs to be preserved in order to achieve a successful translation. People of different cultures 

perceive the world and objects differently; even the words that are functionally identical have 

different mental and ethical associations. 

Upon assessing the translation in terms of adequacy, the most important criteria applied 

can be summarised as follows:  

1.  it renders the sense of an original text fully and correctly; 

2.  it follows the rules and norms of TL; 

3.  it retains stylistic peculiarities of a SLT, the functions of expressive means and 

stylistic devices used in it, peculiarities of the author' individual language and style; 

4.  it conveys the author's message and intent; 

5.  it arouses a reaction on the part of a TLT reader similar to that of SLT reader 

In the case of poetry, the adequacy should be provided by strict confirmation to the 

form and the meaning while refraining from any sacrifice of one of the mentioned aspects at 

the expense of the other. On the other hand, the expression of the meaning in the target 

language is required to be in an understandable manner for target readers. Even the most 

adequacy-oriented translation involves shifts from the source text. In fact, the occurrence of 

shifts has long been acknowledged as a true universal of translation. 




Qafqaz University                                                                                          17-18 April 2015, Baku, Azerbaijan 

To assess translation in terms of adequacy Reiss lists a series of intralinguistic and 

extralinguistic criteria which include the following: 

(1) intralinguistic criteria: semantic, lexical, grammatical and stylistic features; 

(2)  extralinguistic criteria: situation, subject field, time, place, receiver, sender and 

‘affective implications’ (humour, irony, emotion, etc.). (Reiss, Katharina, “Type, Kind and 

Individuality of Text, Decision Making in Translation”, in, Venuti, Lawrence (ed.), The 

Translation Studies Reader, London-New York: Routledge, 2000)  

In conclusion, it should be noted that both the source and the target text function as the 

tools of communication in a given communicative situation, the source text in the source 

culture and the target text in the target one, in order to know what to do in the phase of 

transfer, i.e. which translation procedure to choose or which strategy to pursue, the translator 

is required to compare the factors and conditions of both texts to produce a target text which 

can be regarded as an adequate in terms of communicative function.  






Qafqaz Universiteti 



We can see viewers and readers who are not satisfied with translation of books or 

movies. This is the problem which every translator can face. What mistakes do Azerbaijani 

translators make? What shortcomings do they face during the process of translation? And how 

can we solve these problems to make perfect translation into Azerbaijani language? 

The most problems are shown in grammatical agreements, punctuation marks, name 

translations and spelling mistakes in Azerbaijani translation. The order of verb and object 

make some translators be confused. That’s why readers sometimes complain about not-

effectively-translated sentences. While translating a book or an article, a translator should be 

very careful about orders. Recently, I have seen some articles which are translated from 

English into Azerbaijani, and punctuation marks were almost not marked in a correct way or 

correct situations, and the pronoun “you” had confused the translators in dialogue, so they had 

written it in some cases as “sən” and in some cases “siz”. This kind of problems makes article 

difficult to read and understand. A translator shouldn’t make mistakes like those. I think 

books/articles should be translated by people who have literature knowledge. Another mistake 

is to write foreign names in pronunciation form. For example: Jack is written as “Cek”, or 

George is written as “Corc”. Although other countries do not touch the names, ourtranslators 

write them as it is pronounced in the Azerbaijani language. Sometimes they brake grammatical 

rules, or we can say spelling mistakes to make sentence more effective, but we should learn 

how to make effective article/book translation without breaking rules. It is not acceptable to 

write “gəlmişdir” as “gəlmişdi”. These problems ruin written language in the country. 

Textual translation is the biggest problem in Azerbaijan.Translators use machine 

translation and it doesn’t give them the exact meaning of word in the sentence, because 

machine only translates by its own source, however a translator can understand situation and 

translate the exact meaning what it is meant. We should know the culture anda exact situation 

to use words. We can see these problems easily in movies. Recently, another mistake which I 

have seen is to use idioms as their textual meaning. Idioms usually have their equivalents in 

translated language. Translator is also a searcher. They should find words to explain meanings 

of idioms, words to people in a simple way that they can understand. An idiom “when the 




Qafqaz University                                                                                          17-18 April 2015, Baku, Azerbaijan 

pigs fly” can’t be understand by viewers, if you translate its textual meaning, but we can 

choose an idiom ot word to translate its exact meaning to them. In this situation, we can 

translate it like “yuxunda”. Another one here is “till the cows come home” We can translate it 

like “Eşşək sudan gələnə qədər”. In another movie a man shoots his friend intentionally, and 

the friend says “Come on. Why did you do this to me?”, but they translated it as “yaxına gəl” 

in a movie, but situation was absolutely different. The man said it for saying “Yaxşı da”. 

I’d like to conclude my ideas by saying solutions. Translator is not someone who knows 

language well. Translator is someone who knows his own culture well and the culture of 

language he translates as well. If we want effective translations in every part of this job, we 

should learn not the only language, but also its tradition. 






Qafqaz Universiteti 



Translation is the communication of the meaning of a source-language text by means of 

an  target-language text. Whereas interpreting definitely predates writing, translation began only 

after the presence of written literature; there exist imperfect translations of the Sumerian Epic 

of Gilgamesh (ca. 2000 BCE) into Southwest Asia languages of the second millennium BCE.


The need for translation has existed since time immemorial and translating important 

literary works from one language into others has assigned importantly to the development of 

world culture. Ideas and forms of one culture have regularly moved and got incorporated into 

other cultures through the works of translators. The history of translation is related to the 

history of the often invisible cross cultural cooperation of the world. 

Ideas and concepts from the East particularly India, China and Iraq have influenced the 

Western culture since as early as sixth century B.C. when trade ties were first established 

between India and the Mediterranean countries. Many medical theories of Plato and Galen of 

Greece had plentiful influence from those of India. Many of the philosophical and scientific 

works of ancient Greece were distributed into Arabic as early as ninth century A.D. This 

knowledge spread to Europe along Spain which was a primarily a Muslim country then. 

Translators have approved Holy Scriptures like the Bible written in esoteric languages 

like Latin to be understood by ordinary people by translating them into more common languages 

without depending on a few choice preachers or the members of clerics to explain what they 

contained. Some translators even had to pay with their life for doing it like the famous Bible 

translators William Tyndale who was arrested and launched in Holland by the king in 1536 

for translating the Bible from its original languages into the common local of English. 

British translator Constance Garnett made the translating community proud through her 

brilliant translations of Russian classics including those of Turgenev, Gogol, Tolstoy, Chekhov 

and Dostoevski in late 19


 century. Another famous translator is Gregory Rabassa who has 

translated many Latin American fictions into English. Dr. Arthur Wale is one of the world’s 

initial translators of the twentieth century of Chinese and Japanese literature into English. More 

recently Gladys Yang translated many Chinese classics into English over the last 50 years. 

Thus translators have made important contribution over the centuries in publication of 

ideas and information to a larger audience, in shaping of cultures and in a sense helped unite 

the world. 




Qafqaz University                                                                                          17-18 April 2015, Baku, Azerbaijan 





Qafqaz University 



In modern world the need for translation is undeniable. Society feels its significance at 

each and every development stage. As spheres needing translation differ in many ways, so the 

need does. The demand occurs since translation also involves transforming meaning. The vital 

performance of translators in today's world is due to the fact that they play a mediator role 

between distinctive cultures. Every day we interact or even may give our contributions to the 

global economy, the economy ultimately plays a great role in our daily life. Taking into 

account all the transactions, we can perceive translators' crucial duty concerning the impro 

vement of communities, as well as companies, more apparently. Indeed they are transferring 

agreements in the shade of intentions. The companies operating in several countries are in 

enormous need of translation. That's because all the suggestions and requirements must be 

translated accurately. Otherwise it will lead to huge amount of money loss.  

What's more, in order to realize international diplomacy humankind needs translators. 

The current cumbersome situations of many countries emphasize the unprecedented part of 

translator and interpreters on external affairs. Leafing through the pages of history we can 

notice wars triggered by misunderstanding.  

As translation itself must be regarded as a kind of art rather than science, it plays an 

immense role on transferring meaning of artworks. The necessity for subtitling and dubbing 

of movies is obvious. Additionally, the experts of the fields can get internationally known by 

this means.  

Furthermore, translation's vital role is remarkable through conveying the news, as well. 

The information indigenous and foreign people get from the news shapes the image of the 


Moreover, tourism is one the fields that generate most of the state revenues. Therefore, proper 

translation must step in the process of presentation of regional parts of the country.In addition, 

the need for literary translation seems inevitable as it has more than one aspect. First, it makes 

unapproachable audiences available, besides it can be translated again by the people who 

knows target language, but not source language.  

Translation is also tremendously needed in medicine. To be exact, the conversation 

process between patient and doctor, as well as the result of the medical researches great on a 

correct translation. Here the issue is as strict as a human life. 

Court translation should also be added to the list since it determines the destiny of the 

defendant. It also designates whether the society will be exposed his offenses if he is really to 

be blamed one.  

Taking into consideration all these nuances, we can define translators and interpreters as 

warriors dealing with transferring the most accurate and real meaning of remarks. We 

eventually come to the conclusion that translation is now extremely crucial job. Translation 

makes a profound impact on headway of societies as it plays a bridge role between countries, 

as well as cultures. As today's people we should be thankful to translators as we are lucky 

enough to be able to get through from another angle and of course to allude things that were 

once unknown. 





Qafqaz University                                                                                          17-18 April 2015, Baku, Azerbaijan 




Qafqaz Universiteti 



Common mistake of unprofessional person: If I know a foreign language, I can work as 

a translator. This is the most popular misconception. But it also creates the most problems. If 

someone speaks, writes and reads in a foreign language, it does not mean that he was a 

translator. Firstly, the translator must understand at least two languages: native and foreign. 

Second, he must be able to write texts and to understand the intricacies of the language. Third, 

if you do not have knowledge about the culture behind the foreign language, the appropriate 

translation is very difficult to do. So, I want to introduce practices of students in translation 


Each student of the Faculty of Foreign Languages occurs once the first practice of 

translation. It is not necessary to be afraid of it either, nor underestimated. Of course, you can 

always order a report on the practice and professional writers write it for you cheaply, 

efficiently and on time. Whether to do it - it's up to you, but first get to know exactly what the 

problem sets the student manufacturing practice for future translators. In practice, there are 

several problems, including consolidation of theoretical knowledge and practical skills in 

various fields of translation. Another important factor is the opportunity to get experience and 

independent work as a translator, and, of course, to collect the necessary data for the final 

qualifying work. 

There are hidden problems. For example, such as an adequate assessment of the labor 

market and their own prospects in this market, familiarity with the daily work of the translator 

in the real world, the development of strategies and tactics to communicate with colleagues and 

customers, the development of different linguistic norms and practices - rhetorical, stylistic, 

and the development of terminology and norms expressing their views taken in different areas 

and in different cultures. Training models of behavior and communication, and the ability to 

establish contacts with colleagues and clients. It is also important to acquire new skills psycho 

logical orientation in the professional sphere (the development of a flexible attitude to official 

duties, occupational mobility, etc.). 

Actually, the standard of education, any manufacturing practices designed to consoli 

date the knowledge and skills obtained in the classroom in order to implement them in the labor 

force. Practice in terms of real situations and real-time effectively prepares students for future 


As a result, production practices apprentice fixes the following skills: Possession of norms 

of Russian literary language and functional styles of speech; ability to demonstrate in speech 

communication personal and professional culture, spiritual and moral beliefs; the ability to 

formulate and solve communication problems in all areas of communication, manage the 

processes of information exchange in various communication media 

Foreign language in oral and written form helps us for cooperation in educational, 

scientific, professional, work in computer networks, the use of Internet resources; possession 

of the basic methods, ways and means of receiving, storing and processing information social and 

cultural spheres; possession of specialty terminology; presentation skills, prepare publications, 

discuss and defend their ideas in foreign languages. 



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