IELTS Trainer 2
Tests 1–6 audioscripts © Cambridge University Press and UCLES 2019
But no-one had used MRI scans before. And the brain scans showed
that games activate the same reward centres in the brain as the drinks
or junk food. This study has supplied valid
proof as to why games work
this way.
Actually, that’s a good point. And many people would probably
like to know about that.
Now listen and answer questions 26 to 30.
So, then in the presentation, we need some more research findings.
Well, I read an interesting study about surgeons. It was in the USA.
And it found that surgeons perform better when they play video games in
their free time.
That makes sense. I mean, games are obviously going to improve
hand to eye coordination.
Yeah, I guess it’s predictable. Still interesting, though.
Absolutely. Challenges the idea that
games are just a waste of
time. Then there was a study about vision and eyesight. Apparently,
games may actually improve vision. Game players in the study could see
differences in grey colours more effectively.
That’s odd, though, isn’t it, because there are also studies
showing a link between electronic screens and eye damage.
Yeah, it’s certainly controversial.
I also read a study about sports. There’s a company that makes
video games which are supposed to encourage physical exercise. The
idea is, you play the sport first in the game, and then you’re more likely
to do it for real.
And the study, apparently, confirmed it.
Well, I doubt that’s really true.
I know. Seems highly unlikely to me. Maybe just a marketing tactic
by the company.
The study about ageing was a good one. Scientists in Germany
found that games have a positive influence on older people by keeping
their brains active.
And that’s going to be more and more significant as the
population ages. Good news for game manufacturers!
I also read that games can actually help your career.
The problem-
solving, decision-making and leadership that are developed in some
games can actually make you more effective in the workplace.
And there’s been quite a lot of previous research to back that up,
too. Interesting.
Then another…
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