Questions 1-10 Complete the table below. Write one word and / or a number

TWO  of these things are recommended by Matthew Walker ? A

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Cambridge IELTS Trainer 2 ( (1)

of these things are recommended by Matthew Walker
taking a natural product that encourage sleep 
avoiding looking at brightly lit screens after dark 
negotiating later start times for work with employers 
keeping a regular record of hours spent sleeping 
reducing your activity level at a set time of day 
Questions 25 and 26 
Write the correct letters in boxes 25 and 26 on your answer sheet. 
of the following statements are true of Matthew Walker? 
He is sometimes reluctant to admit what his profession is. 
He has based his new book on a series of lectures. 
He has experienced significant improvements in his health. 
He has carried out research into the meaning of dreams. 
He always makes sure he gets enough sleep each night. 

You should spend about 20 minutes on 
Questions 27-40,
 which are based on Reading Passage 3 below. 
The future of cities 
Professor of Urban Planning Sarah Holmes looks at the challenges of urban living 
The World Health Organisation has produced a report predicting that 9.8 billion 
of us will be living on this planet by 2050. Of that number, 72% will be living in 
urban areas – a higher proportion than ever before. Presented with this 
information, governments have a duty to consider how best to meet the needs of 
city residents, and not just for the short-term. Certain problems associated with 
urban living have been highlighted by research company Richmond-Carver in its 
latest global survey. At the top of the list survey respondents’ concerns is the 
fact that competition amongst tenants for rental properties has driven the 
median price up – so much so people need to hold down two or more jobs to 
meet all their expenses. Another issue the survey highlighted is the difficulty 
commuters face. Overcrowding means that seats are often not available on long 
journeys, but more significant is that schedules are unreliable. Many studies 
have shown the effect that has on a country’s productivity. Interestingly, certain 
problems seem more common in some cities than others: respondents from 
increasingly crowded European cities, including Manchester and Barcelona
commented on how their quality of life was affected by loud machinery, other 
people’s music and car alarms. Something the survey failed to ask about was the 
value people placed on having access to nature in urban neighborhoods. 
However, some countries are already moving forward. Singapore is a prime 
example; its rooftop gardens make the city a far more desirable place to live. It is 
the Singaporean government that is behind this push for sustainable living.
Perhaps some clearer government direction would benefit other cities. Take 
New York City, a place where I frequently meet up with other researchers in my 
field. Luckily for me, I am driven from the airport to the research centre, so do 
not need to navigate the freeways and constant congestion. Admittedly my 
experience of the urban lifestyle here is limited to the hotels I stay in, and the 
blocks within a three-kilometre walk. But whenever I leave my room in search 
of an outlet providing fruit or anything with nutritional value, none can be 
found. It seems ridiculous that this should be the case. New York has made great 
advances in redeveloping its museums and arts centres, but authorities must 
recognize that people’s basic needs must be met first. 
Sometimes these basic needs are misunderstood. In some urban areas, new 
residential developments are provided with security features such as massive 
metal fences and multiple gates in the belief that these will make residents safer. 
There is little evidence such steps make a difference in this way, but we don 
know they make residents feel reluctant to go outside and walk around their 
neighbourhood. Instead they are more likely to remain inactive indoors. Grassy
areas inside fences developments are hardly used by householders and tenants 
either. All this adds up to a feeling of being cut off from others.
So where are planners and developers going wrong? Inviting a group of locals to 
attend a consultation event is the conventional method for discovering what a 
community might want. The issue here is that it often attracts the same few 
voices with the same few wishes. But the internet now makes it possible for 
others to contribute. A community website can be a place where local people 
propose ideas for making their neighbourhood a better place to live. Developers 
that pay attention to these ideas can get a clearer picture of the things residents 
actually want and reduce the risk of throwing away money on things they don’t. 
An example of a project that truly meets the needs of residents is Container City 
– a development in London’s Docklands area. Constructed from metal containers
once used to transport cargo on ships, it is a five-storey architectural
masterpiece. The containers have been turned into sunny work studios, and
despite their limited size, some come with a bed, shower and kitchen unit. Smart
planning and skillful construction mean they take up very little room. Furniture
and fittings are made from recycled products. Other countries have their own
versions Container City – Amsterdam and Copenhagen have created container
dormitories to house students – but the Docklands site shows how work and
living areas can effectively be combined. The units are ideal for young
entrepreneurs hoping to establish a business while keeping costs down.
Successful development is taking place in many urban areas around the world,
and city planners have a duty to see for themselves the transforming effect this
can have on residents’ lives. There is no better way to do this than to visit these
places in person. These might be neighbourhoods constructed for the first time,
or developers might have transformed what was already there. In either case,
the idea of cars determining urban planning, and indeed the whole concept of
private car ownership, is now outdated and must be abandoned. Instead, the
layout of an area under development must make it easier for people to meet up
in pedestrianized zones and community spaces. At the heart of the development
should be a cultural area, providing venues for art, music and street theatre.
Such activities bring communities together, and do far more for positive
relations than a new mall or shopping precinct. For this reason, these kinds of
performance spaces should be prioritized. Finally, planners and developers
must be obliged to create, within the same neighbourhood, different types of
homes for wealthy professionals, for families, for the elderly and for young
people just starting out. This kind of mix is essential to ensure people can buy a
home in an area convenient for work, and for a community to stay alive.

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