Questions tag (QT) / Tasdiq soroq gaplar. Questions tag (QT) айтилгангапгатингловчинингфикринисурашучунишлатилади, - You are a good student, aren’t you? ---Siz yaxshi studentsiz. Shunday emasmi? - Anna can’t swim, can she?------ANNa suza olmaydi. Shundaymi? Негативгапдапозитив QT, позитивгапгаэсанегатив QT ишлатилади. QTни S хамиша pronoun (olmosh) булиши керак. Negative sentence, aux + S? (auxiliary - ko’mskchi fel) Positive sentence, negative aux + S? - Mary was here, wasn’t she? ---Mary shu yerda. Shunday emasmi? -Tom eats an ice-cream, doesn’t she? ----Tom musqaymoq yiydi. Shundaymi?
Агаргапда I am шакликелса, QTдаaren’t Iкулланилади, chunki I am notning qisqatrma shakli yoq. - I am doing well, aren’t I? (or am I not?) - I am not doing well, am I? Let’s + V 1 Агаргапда let’s + V1 шакликелса QTдаauxiliary сифатида shall ишлатилади, - Let’s go, shall we? Агарпозитивгапда neither, no, none, no one, nobody, nothing, scarcely, barely, hardly, hardly ever, seldom каби сузларкелса QTнихампозитившаклдакулланилади, - No salt is allowed, is it? ----Tuzga ruxsat berilmedi. Shundaymi? - Peter hardly ever managed this job, did he?----Piter deyarli hech qachon bu ishni bajarmagan. Shundaymi ? Агаргапда anyone, anybody, no one, nobody, none, neitherларэгабулибкелса, QTниэгасисифатида theyдан фойдаланиладивахамишаpositive QT кулланилади, - Nobody could enter the room, could they?----Hechkim xonaga kirolmadi. Shundaymi?
EMBEDDED QUESTION SENTENCES Embedded sentence бударакёкисурокгапдакатнашаетгансурокгап. So‘roq olmoshi bilan bilan sabject o‘rtasida hech qanday yordamchi fe’l bo‘lmasligi kerak. Va agar Embedded quastion boshqa savolning bir qismi bo'lmasa, bu jumlaning oxirida savol belgisini qo'llanilmaydi.
S + V + question word + S + V. Auxiliary + S + V + question word+ S + V. - Could you tell me where the station is? ---Aytaolasizmi, stansiya qayerda? - I do not know what his name.----- Men bilmeman uning ismi nima ekanligini. - He asks where the meeting will take place. - I have no idea how long the interview will take. - Do they know how often the bus runs at night? Аммо subject question биланхечкандайузгаришсодирбулмайди. - They can not decide who will paint that room. Агарgeneral question билан embedded question sentence ясалмокчибулинса,
if / whether данфойдаланилади, va bu yerda if ham whether ham –mi deb tarjima qilinadi. - Does he go to school? - Do you know whether (or if) he goes to school? - Have you been to London? - I cannot tell if you have been to London. Could you tell me if she was sick or not? ----- Ayta olasizmi U kasalmi yoki yo’q? Or, Could you tell me whether or not she was sick? ---------- Ayta olasizmi U kasalmi yoki yo’q? Or, Could you tell me whether she was sick or not?---------- ----- Ayta olasizmi U kasalmi yoki yo’q? Агар embedded sentenceдагапнингасосийкисми past замондаберилганбулса, иккинчикисминибитта past эквивалентизамонигаутказилади, - What do you do? - He asked what I did. - Did he come? - She asked if he had come.