RAQAMLI TEXNOLOGIYALARNING YANGI O‘ZBEKISTON RIVOJIGA TA’SIRI Xalqaro ilmiy-amaliy konferensiyasi The essence of administrative-legal regimes as a special kind of legal regimes in the most
general form is that they are designed to ensure the functioning of both all institutions of
administrative law (executive authorities, civil service, administrative responsibility, etc.) and other
institutions other branches of law and intersectoral institutions (property law, entrepreneurship,
The administrative-legal regime can be achieved by such means as:
Additional prohibitions and obligations, the regime provides for preventive control over the
implementation of these requirements;
Special administrative measures aimed at establishing and maintaining regime rules: state
expertise, state monitoring, state registration, licensing;
Organizational and technical support of the established regime rules, which makes it
possible to effectively prevent, detect and suppress their violations (use of vehicles,
communications, special equipment designed for inspection, inspection of the area, etc.
A permissive way of exercising rights and freedoms, carrying out economic activities,
involving a preliminary request to provide an opportunity
to exercise certain rights;
The system of control and supervision over the fulfillment of regime requirements by
individuals, legal entities, as well as officials.
The administrative-legal regime has the following features:
- established and provided by the state;
- introduced to streamline certain activities, prevent deviations from the established order
of activities in these interests, identify factors that can cause damage to protected interests, prevent
and suppress actions of persons who violate regime requirements or are prone to violating them,
Depending on the jurisdiction, administrative-legal regimes are divided into: federal
regimes - established, regulated and controlled by federal authorities; regional regimes - are
established by the state authorities of the subjects of the Federation; local regimes are established
on the territory of municipalities by local governments.
Depending on the territorial scale, we can talk about such types of administrative and legal
regime as federal, regional, municipal, local (Table 1)