RAQAMLI TEXNOLOGIYALARNING YANGI O‘ZBEKISTON RIVOJIGA TA’SIRI Xalqaro ilmiy-amaliy konferensiyasi the occurrence of various emergency situations of man-made and
natural nature (accident, flood, fire, etc.))
Depending on the
characteristics of the
content of the sphere
of regulated public
In the field of internal affairs (for example, administrative and
legal regimes for road safety, public order, etc.)
In the field of justice (for example, administrative-legal regimes
for the execution of sentences, enforcement of court decisions,
In the field of ensuring the security of the state (for example, the
border regime, the regime for ensuring state secrets, etc.)
Depending on the
specifics of the
content of the goals,
objectives, functions
and methods of
activity of
administrative public
Mode of proceedings in cases of administrative offenses
permissive mode
Registration mode
Regime for the resolution of administrative and legal disputes
Administrative-casual regimes, etc.
An emergency situation is a situation in a certain territory that has developed as a result of
an accident, a natural hazard, a catastrophe, a natural or other disaster that may or have caused
human casualties, damage to human health or the environment, significant material losses and
violation of people's living conditions.
At present, the interdependence of natural, man-made disasters, as well as social
emergencies, in which an increase in the likelihood of one type of danger leads to an acceleration of
the manifestation of others, is increasingly being traced.
Natural disasters are increasingly synergistic in nature, in which one natural phenomenon
causes a whole chain of others, sometimes more catastrophic processes. In this regard, the internal
affairs bodies are faced with tasks due to the complex nature of the situations and conditions of their
activities and require special training from them.
The main role in creating conditions for the prevention of emergency situations of various
types always belongs to the state. Possessing power, organizational structure (in the person of the
created subjects for the implementation of emergency legislation), as well as economic
opportunities, the state determines and implements official policy in all areas of activity.
Natural emergencies include: