RAQAMLI TEXNOLOGIYALARNING YANGI O‘ZBEKISTON RIVOJIGA TA’SIRI Xalqaro ilmiy-amaliy konferensiyasi Table 1. Classification of administrative-legal regimes Sign
Type of administrative-legal regime
Depending on
Administrative regime - a set of regulations, prohibitions,
restrictions and permissions addressed to individuals and
organizations, as well as goals, objectives and functions, methods
aimed at ensuring the integration (consistency and
interconnection) of administrative rights and interests.
Administrative and administrative regimes should include the
regimes of administrative granting, administrative obligation,
administrative incentives.
Administrative-protective regime - a set of regulations,
prohibitions, restrictions and permissions, as well as goals,
objectives and functions, methods aimed at ensuring the security
(protection and protection) of administrative rights and interests
from administrative and other offenses arising in the
administrative-legal sphere ( tax, budgetary, banking, etc.),
unlawful and (or) unreasonable actions and decisions of public
authorities, administrative and legal incidents of a natural, man-
made and other nature, harmful factors of a man-made, natural
and other nature, associated with certain types of lawful activities
(lawful actions ) individuals and organizations. The
administrative-protective regimes include the regimes of
administrative authorization, administrative-controversial,
counteraction to administrative torts, counteraction to
administrative-legal incidents, administrative-compulsory regime
of execution of judicial and administrative acts.
Depending on the
territorial scale
Depending on the
Permanent (e.g. regulatory regimes for road safety, nature
management, environmental protection, defense, etc.)
Temporary (for example, emergency regimes, the effect of the
conditions and requirements of which is limited in time due to