RAQAMLI TEXNOLOGIYALARNING YANGI O‘ZBEKISTON RIVOJIGA TA’SIRI Xalqaro ilmiy-amaliy konferensiyasi systems; a technical support tool - text editors, a communication tool - the Internet; a distance
learning tool - computer networks, Internet); 5) student.
Of particular note are the advantages that make it possible to attribute a computer to the
main tools for organizing independent work of students:
unlimited working time, which is determined by the needs of the student;
free mode of operation (selection of working hours, determination of pauses in work and the
rate of assimilation of the material);
exclusion of subjective factors in the work (absence of bias towards any of the students,
evaluation of the answer based on clear criteria without comparison with the results of other
students' work, unlimited patience) [2].
Thus, a computer, computer technologies, computer programs, being a necessary means of
managing the entire educational and cognitive activity of a student, which has the character of
independent cognitive activity, set the algorithm of functioning and the algorithm of its
Due to its didactic capabilities, computer training programs seem promising for use in
teaching foreign languages, since they have a number of advantages over traditional methods of
teaching foreign languages. They allow you to master different types of speech activity, help to
understand language phenomena, create communicative situations, automate speech actions, and
also provide an opportunity to take into account the leading language system, the implementation
of an individual approach and the intensification of independent work of students.
According to the methodological purpose, there are several types of computer programs
used for teaching foreign languages: grammatical programs aimed at mastering the grammatical
system of the language, lexical, linguistic and cultural studies, programs aimed at teaching such
types of speech activity as reading and writing, phonetic programs. They, in turn, can be educational,
controlling, gaming and combined. Because one from the principles of modern methods of teaching
foreign languages there is a principle of complexity, then often these types of programs are
implemented in organic unity.
There are the following modules of information and computer technology tools for teaching
a foreign language: reference, information-training, training, controlling [1].
The reference module is a knowledge base for educational purposes, contains phonetic and
grammatical reference books, built-in English-Russian and Russian-English dictionaries and is
formed by the corresponding sections of multimedia interactive training programs on CD and
general and special English-Russian and Russian-English dictionaries of the ABBYY Lingvo series.
The information and training module is designed to present information in English (information