Environmental Effects Evaluation A documented evaluation of the environmental significance of the effect of an organization's activities, products and services (existing and planned) upon the environment.
Environmental Effects Register A list of significant environmental effects, known or suspected, of an organization's activities, products and services upon the environment. Also see environmental inventory.
Environmental Impact Any change to the environment, whether adverse or beneficial, wholly or partially resulting from an organization's activities, products or services. An environmental impact addresses an environmental problem. Also see environmental effect.
Environmental Impact Added The total of all environmental interventions of a product or production system evaluated (weighted) according to the harmfulness of each intervention to the environment.
Environmental Intervention Exchange between the economy and the environment including resource extraction, emissions to the air, water, or soil, and aspects of land use. If resource extraction is excluded, the term used in this case is environmental release. See also emission and pollution.
Environmental Inventory An environmental inventory identifies and quantifies - where appropriate - all environmental aspects of an organization's activities, products and services. Also see environmental effects register.
Environmental Issue A point or matter of discussion, debate, or dispute of an organization's environmental aspects.
Environmental Management Those aspects of an overall management function (including planning) that determine and lead to implementation of an environmental policy. See also environmental management system.
Environmental Management Audit A systematic evaluation to determine whether an environmental management system and environmental performance comply with planned arrangements, and whether a system is implemented effectively, and is suitable to fulfill an organization's environmental policy.