b and
c are more formal.
H o w t h e T h r e e E l e m e n t s o f S t y l e Wo r k To g e t h e r Look at how these three elements of style work together
in the following two letters. Both convey essentially
the same information, but they are written in radically
different styles. Read the letters carefully and then list
your observations. What do you notice that’s different
between these two letters?
Letter A Lucy:
Listen, a while ago, I ordered some invitations
from your website. I haven’t gotten them yet. What
happened? Where are they? Find out! I need them!
Letter B Dear Ms. Mirabella:
Three weeks ago, on April 14, I rush ordered
two boxes of personalized party invitations from
your website (Order #123456). To date, I have not
received my order. Please look into this matter
immediately as I am in dire need of this product.
Ms. Lindsey
What did you notice about these two letters? How
are they different? Consider sentence structure, degree
of description and detail, and degree of formality. List
your observations in the space below (an example has
been provided to get you started):
Your Observations: Example: I notice that letter A addresses the reader as “Lucy,” whereas letter B addresses her as “Ms. Mirabella.” – S T Y L E : I T ’ S N O T W H AT T H E Y S AY B U T H O W T H E Y S AY I T – 1 0 3
Now, answer the following questions:
7. Which letter is more formal?
a. letter A
b. letter B
8. Which letter seems to have been written by
someone who knows the recipient well?