Reading Comprehension Success III (@Mokhidas Tutorials)
c. that she is unable to judge her own actions.
d. that she thinks she’s better than most others
who might be termed “dorks”.
45. From the context in the last sentence of the
passage, it can be determined that the word
“perseverance” most nearly means
a. attractiveness.
b. thinking ability.
c. ability to persist.
d. love of danger.
46. Overall, this narrator’s tone is best described as
a. emotional and familiar.
b. stuck up and superior.
c. argumentative and tactless.
d. pleasant and reassuring.
47. In choosing to use the bike argument with her
mother, the narrator is trying to appeal to
her mother’s
a. compassion over her lost bike.
b. disregard for material objects.
c. laziness.
d. reason.
48. The main argument the narrator has been having
with her mother is over whether she should
a. be allowed to date.
b. live with her mother or father.
c. be allowed to drive a car.
d. pay for things she breaks.
49. It appears that the mother has alienated her
daughter by
a. being too busy to give her the attention she
b. having divorced her father.
c. insisting too much on reasonableness.
d. valuing things over people and feelings.
50. What most likely happened with the car?
a. The narrator mistook first gear for reverse and
ran into the garage wall.
b. The narrator stole it from her father and drove
it over to her mother’s.
c. The father left it in gear, and when the narra-
tor started it, it leapt forward into the wall.