W h a t A r e t h e F a c t s ?
Let’s start with a definition. A
Something that we know for certain to have
Something that we
know for certain to be true
Something that we know for certain to exist
Much of what you read, especially
today in this
“Information Age,” is designed to provide you with
facts. You may read, for example, about
a new office
procedure that you must follow; about how the new
system works; about what happened at the
staff meeting. If you’re taking a standardized test, you’ll
probably have to answer
reading comprehension ques-
tions that ask about the facts in a reading passage.
These facts are not always easy to determine, especially
if the writing is dense or complicated. To make it sim-
pler, ask yourself these questions as you read: What
facts am I expected to know? What
am I to learn or be
aware of? What happened? What is true? What exists?
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