International Online Conference on " Social Sciences and Developments"
Novateur Publications, Pune, Maharashtra, India
JournalNX- A Multidisciplinary Peer Reviewed Journal
ISSN: 2581-4230,
5th December,2021
59 |
P a g e
1. Mirziyoev Sh.M. We will build our great future together with our brave and noble people.
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2. Boltaboev H. The value of the classic word. - Tashkent: Adolat, 2004. - 138 p.
3. Butayev Sh. English-Uzbek Uzbek-English dictionary. - Tashkent: Teacher, 2013. - 880 p.
4. Bar Hillel Y. Pragmatics of Natural Languages. - Dordrech; Boston; Reidel. 1971. - 231 p.
5. Blagova G.F. «Baburname» yazyk, pragmatika teksta, stil. - M .: 1994, 404 p.
6. Vlaxov S., Florin S. Neperevodimoe in perevode. Izdanie trete. Ispravlennoe. - Moscow:
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7. Vyurtle F. Prince of Andijan. Translated from the German by Ya.Egamova. –Tashkent:
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8. Guttinger Fritz. Problems: Theory and Technology of Ubersetzens. - Ztirich: Manesse
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9. Gegel G. Phenomenology duxa. Philosophical history. - M .: Eksmo, 2000. –880 p.
10. Goden R. From Gulbadan: Drawings on the personality of Princess Gulbadan, daughter of
Zakhriddin Muhammad Bobur / Translated from English by H. Sufieva. - Tashkent: Sharq,
2007.- 175 p.
11. Doniyorov R. On the issues of reflecting national features in literary translation // Uzbek
language and literature. - Tashkent, 1962. - №5. - B.73.
12. Eiji Mano. The characteristic description of historical people in Baburname. Babur's
eternity. Proceedings of the International Conference. Andijon, 2017. 288 p.
13. Yoqubov H. Bobir. - Tashkent, 1941. 320 p.
14. Jamolov S., Otajonov N. Textbook for studying the works
of Zahiriddin Muhammad
Babur. –Tashkent, 1990. - 229 p.
15. Lederer M. Implicit et explicite in Selescovitch and Lederer: Interpreter pour traduire. -
Paris: Didier Erudition. - 480 p.