Relevance of the research

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Relevance of the research : our study of the analysis of the terms of consanguinity as the oldest layer of vocabulary, which is associated with the process of development of the family and its form, is formed mainly by the fact that it helps to define very important concepts for the English and Uzbek languages. In addition, the study of the nomenclature of kinship terms allows us to make some conclusions about the genetic relationship of these studied languages and to perform a comprehensive description of the lexical-semantic systems of the English and Uzbek languages;
Purpose and objectives of the study: The purpose of this research work is to compare these terms of kinship in English and Uzbek languages in terms of displaying the concepts of kinship in the centuries-old culture of these nations .
To achieve this goal, it is necessary to solve such basic tasks as:
- review some aspects of the theory of consanguinity and characteristics inherent in different languages, and provide an observation of various methods and ways for studying the terminology of kinship ;
- to identify the union between the phrases "kinship", "system of kinship" and "system of terms of kinship";
- characterize kinship terms in English and Uzbek using linguistic, component and semantic methods of analysis;
- to determine a number of distinguishing features (semes) in the typology of the lexical contents of kinship terms in modern English and Uzbek languages;
- display the specifics of the action of the concepts of kinship and signs in the speech of speakers of the language;
- identify differences and draw conclusions about the difference in the concepts of kinship in these languages.
The object of the study is nouns denoting kinship terms in English and Uzbek.
The subject of the study is multifunctional, characterological, as well as morphological, word-derivative aspects of terminology and kinship properties in the Uzbek and English languages.
As you know, the terms of kinship are divided into two groups:
a) terms of consanguinity;
b) terms of non-consanguinity.
In our research work, the concepts of consanguinity and their display are considered.
Research methods. “In our dissertation work, we applied a comprehensive methodology that includes descriptive, comparative and linguistic methods of analysis .. The methods of these methods are thoroughly described in the works of prominent foreign, Russian and Uzbek scientists (A.M. Kuznetsov, O.N. Seliverstova, KM Musaeva , I. Ismailova and others ). For the disclosure of word-formation and term-formation meanings, the method of component analysis plays a very important role, which is used to establish the functional features of individual terminological units with the meaning of consanguinity.
Scientific novelty of the research.
lies in the fact that for the first time some details of the structure and functioning of all written variants of kinship terminology and the use of kinship terms as elements of speech in modern English and Uzbek are considered and described .
On this basis of the linguocultural analysis of the collected kinship terms, a significant difference between these terms in their structure and functioning is determined. The comparative and contrastive properties of the concepts of kinship are also described, since so far they have been studied only in works of a general direction.
The theoretical significance of the study lies in the fact that the terminology of kinship, being a means of outlining kinship relations between people, in its essence is not only a linguistic phenomenon, but also a phenomenon of social life, closely related to the peculiarities of the folk culture of each nation . Thus, the issue of kinship terminology is not so much a problem of lexicology as a problem that should be subjected to a comprehensive study, with particular regard to linguocultural and sociocultural factors that affect the terminology of kinship in the language of a certain people.
The structure and composition of the work consists of an introduction, 3 chapters, a conclusion and a list of references. The work consists of ____ pages.
Summary of findings and recommendations .

  1. Systems of concepts of kinship between different peoples are prescribed in different ways for various biological relations; the nature of this "overlay" proves the peculiarity of the relationship of one of this system.

2. Various types of family relationships that are used to express with unusual social attitudes are used with kinship terms.
3. Much in these languages indicates that the trend in the development of kinship systems in these languages is expressed in the formation of polysemy, the loss of terms or the transformation into rarely used archaisms, the quantitative reconstruction of specific genealogies of concepts with the subsequent replacement descriptive , changes in systems of meaning of many genealogical concepts.
4. Clarification of hyponymic connections between the concepts of gender, characteristic of the English and Uzbek languages;
5. Classification of the concepts of kinship horizontally and vertically
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