Republic of Uzbekistan Ministry Higher Education, Innovation Bukhara State University interpretation of the protagonists in the novels by j. Steinbeck and writer's style dissertation work By Durdona Bakhtiyorova Scientific supervisor: dots

Functions images of primitive heroes in the work of J. Steinbeck

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2.2 Functions images of primitive heroes in the work of J. Steinbeck

"Functions images of primitive heroes in the work of J. Steinbeck" in the context "group theory" analyzes the range of problems related to the topic "primitive", which occupies a special place in the work of J. Steinbeck 1930s Steinbeck's primitive characters are "primary" undeveloped, “alien to reflection”39 people, like, for example, Tularecito in Pastures of Paradise, paisano at Tortilla Flat Quarter, Lenny at "Of Mice and Men", Johnny Bear in the short story of the same name. Images of primitive heroes, merged with nature, far from destructive influence of civilization, living according to emotional and instinctive impulses are found in a number of artistic works of this period ("Paradise Pastures", "Tortilla Flat Quarter", "Of Mice and Men", "Johnny Bear"). Corresponding with existing in American literature the tradition of depicting a “natural person” (F. Freno, F. Cooper, V, Irving, M. Twain, S. Anderson), artistic image "primitive" in Steinbeck receives its special content, whose specificity is determined by a number of factors: the writer considers the "innocent person" through the prism of "group theory"; interprets the artistic images of "primitives" in line with polemical perception of the philosophy of transcendentalism; interested in primitive consciousness, turns to 15 popular in America psychological theory - behaviorism, based on positivism.

Steinbeck was the first American writer developed the problem of the "primitive" and the related moral and psychological problems in the context group theory. At the same time, the writer deliberately "underestimates" artistic images of "primitives" and chooses as the original "human" material of individuals, by virtue of its psycho-physical "insufficiency" occupying the most marginal position in society. The first artistic image of the "primitive" appears in Steinbeck in The Golden Cup. Artistic and functional load of the image of filibuster Jones (episodic character), on the one hand, defiant sympathy, and on the other hand containing a tragicomic element, is, in our opinion, an ideological and emotional assessment actions of the protagonist of the novel. Morgan. A number of primitive characters were subsequently continued Steinbeck as Tularecito, Junius Maltby, Raymond Banks ("Paradise Pastures"), paisano ("Tortilla Flat Quarter"), Penny ("Of Mice and Men"), Johnny Bear ("Johnny Bear"), Deepening the semantic content of his artistic types, the writer expanded the horizons of the phenomenon he considered: in in the works listed above, the images of "primitives" are not only carry an estimated load and serve as a means of characterizing actions of society, but are also considered by Steinbeck as the organic component of the group. The theme of the group is thus intertwined with the theme of a primitive hero, a person who “broke out” from the social universe due to a number of circumstances. Having created characters in which "primitiveness" is brought to the maximum degree of severity, the writer depicts the tragic and inevitable conflict between a mentally handicapped person and society's stereotypes.
An important influence on the formation of the concept "primitive" in Steinbeck's work was rendered by transcendentalism, literary and philosophical movement that developed in the United States in first half of the 19th century Steinbeck adopted some of the chapter's ideas transcendentalism of R. W. Emerson and his followers and critically revised some of them. The thesis of the moral and ethical program of R. W. Emerson about the benefits of an ascetic lifestyle impressed Steinbeck, along with the writer's attitude to this idea mowed down an ambiguous character, 16expressing both positively and polemically interpretation. Positive perception of this Steinbeck postulate embodied in the story "Quarter Tortilla Flat", where with the advent of property not only destroys the original harmony in relations between man and nature, but also the organic "soil" commonality of connections between pansanos.
A kind of "anti-illustration" of the transcendental a call for simplification, as well as ideas about rapprochement with nature, embodying in accordance with the transcendental philosophy spiritual beginning, are "Paradise Pastures", "Tortilla Flat Quarter", "About Mice and People", "Johnny Bear". Steinbeck "immerses" the heroes-primitives in the natural environment and against the background harmonious, not knowing the contradictions of "natural" life animal and plant world shows the tragedy of unfulfilled hopes. On the example of the fate of primitive characters Steinbeck convincingly demonstrates the illusory character transcendental dream that in natural conditions man will not be torn between the material and the spiritual, which for spiritual evolution and renewal, it is enough for a person and it is necessary to be a part of the primordial world and not take attempts to upset the balance Contrasting the values of a "natural" way of life values of standardized thinking, Steinbeck demonstrates the destructive effect of the leveling, leveling laws of the group on those of its representatives whose behavior does not correspond social patterns (artistic images of paisano, Junius Maltby). Another significant idea rooted in the philosophy transcendentalism, there was an idea that basically human nature is virtuous and what if a person lives "naturally", he will strive for good. Interpreting the problem ethical evolution of the individual in a fundamentally different perspective, Steinbeck in "Paradise Pastures" (a short story about R. Banks), "The Clusters anger" (members of the Joad family) viewed man as a being ambivalent, contradictory. Emphasizing the complex the ambiguous nature of the moral nature of man and simultaneously taking into account the mobility and variability last, the writer affirms the possibility of spiritual growth and renewal of an individual who is in a permanent choice.
Exploring the "psychological springs" leading to action mechanism of behavior of a primitive character, consciousness which does not contain rational attitudes, Steinbeck in "Paradise pastures", "Tortilla Flzt Quarter", "About mice and people", "Johnny Bear" relies on the postulates of behaviorism and draws based on physiological impulses psychological the structure of the "primitive" (Tularecito, Pirate and his friends paisano, Lenny, Johnny Bear). The writer builds the behavior of the characters as a chain of reactive impulses, the "responses" of a primitive organism to irritations coming from outside, examining their reflexive actions and impulses, not complicated by mentality and social layers.
"Features of the evolution of artistic the model of the group in the novel by D. Steinbeck "The Grapes of Wrath" is devoted to consideration of the enrichment process at the end of the decade created by Steinbeck during the 1930s. Artistic models of the group with new artistically mastered socio-historical and psychological material. Trying to make sense social processes that have a universal character, Steinbeck moves from the study of interpersonal relationships "within" a small human community to the study of the interaction of powerful social movements. At the center of literary construction, he places the fate of one families, or micro-groups. At the same time, the vicissitudes of life history The author depicts the Joads against the backdrop of public, epoch-making events and processes of the historical development of the country, i.e. in the context movement max called "macrogroups". Accordingly, in the text two interconnected and intertwining layers appear narratives, one of which is connected with the specifics of fate Joad, another ("common chapters", or "common chapters", as they called Steinbeck), with the fate of emigrant workers, and more broadly, just people, which is reflected in the originality of artistic the structure of the novel. Providing the reader with the necessary information, relating to the socio-economic situation outlined in novel, "general chapters" in the context of "group theory" are read as a necessary condition for depicting those significant social macrogroups and forces that the Jouds have to "face" in the course of the story; Copyright disclaimers are also necessary in order to explain the growing aggressiveness of the microgroup, due to "external" factors.
Like the writer's previous works, The Grapes of Wrath, to our conviction, are the artistic embodiment concept of the Steinbeck group. Still staying committed 18 "theories of non-teleological thinking", Steinbeck is still interested in the patterns of origin and functioning phalanx, features of its interaction with other social communities. However, in The Grapes of Wrath there are several a different arrangement of accents in the interpretation of the problem of the group than in the works of the early 1930s.
In the early works of the writer ("Paradise pastures", "Watchful", "And Lost the Fight", "Of Mice and Men", "Johnny Bear”) dominated the theme of the destructiveness of the group’s actions, acted as a dangerous, destructive force. In "The Grapes of Wrath" the nature of the group has not undergone any significant changes: still group education lives and acts in accordance with with natural instincts, the will and interests of the masses are expressed by the leaders (Jim Casey and Tom Joad), the problem of aggression is also sharply stated. At the same time, in the author's interpretation of the group, the new component, namely the theme of group solidarity, which, according to Steinbeck's logic is an important factor that unites mass into a whole. If in previous literary texts the writer considered the aspiration of people to unite before everything as a manifestation of an “archaic need”, as deprived of moral content is an instinctive process independent of will of a person and his consciousness, then in the novel "The Grapes of Wrath" Steinbeck draws attention not only to negative aspects, accompanying the process of formation and aggressive functioning of the group, but also examines the factors altruistic support within society, which contributes to deepening the artistic and philosophical concept of the group. In group "Steinbeck brings a humanistic beginning, allowing the idea of self-sacrifice in the name of the triumph of the community (Casey, Ma Joad, Tom Joad, Rosa Saron), altruism versus egocentrism. The main exponents of the altruistic principle in the group in The Grapes of Wrath are Jim Casey and Tom Joad.
Note that many critics (F. Carpenter, W. French, R. Lewis, P. Liska, Ch. Walcutt) see in the image of Casey a transcendentalist Emersonian. Despite the fact that the image of Casey, indeed, expresses the philosophical plan of the novel, the compositional and ideological core of the text is precisely Tom Joad, and not Jim Casey. Tom Joad is the "flesh of the flesh" of the masses, its organic part. The Significance of Tom's Artistic Image lies in the fact that he not only picked up the spiritual and ideological "baton", received by him from Casey, but he contributed further dissemination of Cayce's ideas. From egocentric actions aimed at preserving one's own individual, private existence, Tom moves on to actions to preserve the group.
In connection with the evolution of Tom Joad's way of thinking it seems necessary to pay attention to certain "educational" impact of the group on the individual. Like Tom Joad so is Jim Casey - individuals who, at the beginning of the novel, are outside groups. The uniqueness of these images lies in the fact that "turning on" into a group, they are "nurtured" by the community.
In conclusion, conclusions are drawn and the results of the work are summarized. Having chosen the phenomenon as an object of writer's research social group and the individual included in it, Steinbeck in 1930s in artistic creation created an original artistic model of the group as a special "public organism ", which has a complex structure and is different from its constituent human units. The originality of Steinbeck's approach to the interpretation of nature groups in the short stories "The Leader of the People", "Vigilant", the novels "And lost the fight", "The Grapes of Wrath" due to the complex properties characteristic of a social organism, such as "racial" soul, collective memory, craving for destructiveness. Problem Aggression Sgeinbek considered in the context of studying the natural and social motivation of the actions of society. In the writer's interpretation the behavior of the group in the novel "And Lost the Fight", in the short story "Watchful" is illogical, irrational, devoid of moral basics. In these works, as well as in the short story "Leader people", the story "About mice and people", the novel "The Grapes of Wrath" Steinbeck showed that at the heart of the instinctive need human being merge with the group lies the universal natural law, according to which well-being and the preservation of the whole is more important than the life of an individual.
In the context of “group theory”, Steinbeck considers and the "primitive" problem. Nominated in a number of artistic works - "Paradise Pastures", "Quarter Tortilla Flat", "O mice and people", "Johnny Bear" - as . subject artistic and philosophical understanding of the problem of fate "primitive" and its inevitable conflict with society, Sgeinbeck substantiates the regularity of the opposition of primitive character and social norms. In the late 1930s Steinbeck's views on the nature of the group undergo some evolution. Not giving up before 20 approved provisions of the group community concept, Steinbeck in the novel "The Grapes of Wrath" shows the emergence of a new social unity based on altruism and cooperation, emphasizes the ability of the individual to identify himself with collective whole.
Creative talent for the artistic vision of modernity allowed D. Steinbeck in the artistic work of the 1930s. achieve new heights in deep structure imaging and psychological models of personality behavior. Adding presenting their predecessors with new discoveries and creating his concept of the group, the writer reached a new level generalizations, contributing to the establishment of the nebula as the basis human existence.

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