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4-demo work


Dilfuza Abdikadirovaning


Allow others to work.

mavzusida 1 soatlik

Date_____ Form_____ Subject: English
Theme: Allow others to work.

Educational:- to introduce and practice new topic vocabulary
Developing: -to practice reading for detailed information and to take notes
- to practice using the Wordlist
- to practice doing a research task (homework)
Socio-cultural: -to raise awareness of different professions .
Up bringing: - to enrich pupils’ knowledge of professions.

Learning outcomes: At the end of the lesson pupils will be able to talk about their hobbies and interests; carriers; professions.
Competence: SC1, FLCC, and PC
Type of the lesson: Mixed, group work, pair-work, individual work
Method of the lesson: nontraditional, mixed
Equipment of the lesson:Textbook, pictures, internet, handouts,computers, projector


Part of the lesson





-to greet pupils.
- to check up the register

4 min


Repeating last lesson

- to give pupils some questions about last lesson. – to ask words from previous lesson

13 min


Explaining new theme

- to explain to pupils new vocabulary and theme

15 min


Consolidating new theme.

- to consolidate new theme and new words of the theme.

6 min



- To mark pupils

8 min



- Giving homework.

Procedure of the lesson:

  1. Process of the lesson: ( 5 min)


-Good morning dear children! How are you?

- Who is on duty today? Who is absent today?
-What is the date today? What is the day today?
- What season is it now? What is the weather like today ?
II. Asking homework: (5min)
- Check for homework given on past lesson.
- Ask pupils all new words learnt on previous lesson.

III. Pre-activity: (8min)
Stop the Bus

Put your ESL students into small teams of 3-4 students, or even pairs if you have a smaller ESL teens or adults class. Have your English students sat around separate tables or in small circles on the floor. Each team need a piece of paper and some pens or pencils.
When you're ready, write a BIG letter on the board, for example, 'T' and shout 'Go!'
The teams now must write as many words as they can beginning with the letter 'T', or whatever letter you wrote on the whiteboard.
At any given point, ANY student can shout out 'STOP THE BUS!' and everyone in the classroom must immediately put down their pens and stop writing. Go around and check how many words each team has written and discount any words which are repeated. The team with the most words spelled correctly is the winner!
Students usually call out 'Stop the Bus' when they think their team has got a lot of words and feel that they can't be caught, but sometimes it backfires and another team has more! A quality TEFL warmer for teens and adults, or older children!

IV. Main part (21 min)
Activity 1 Listen and say the words

1 doctor

2 nurse

3 artist

4 singer

5 actor

6 vet

7 businessman

8 businesswoman

9 bus driver

2. Describe and guess who?
Ex: she likes helping people. She's wearing a white coat . Doctor!

3. Listen and choose. Then sing the song.
Think about your family. Ask and answer.

1. What does your aunt do? …

She’s an artist/singer.

Where does she work? …

She works in a studio.

2. What does your uncle do? …

He’s a bus driver/pilot.

Where does he work? …

He works on a plane.

3. What does your cousin do? …

She’s a businesswoman/doctor.

Where does she work? …

She works in an office.

4. Read and match.

My dad’s a farmer. He works on a farm.

My grandma’s a teacher. She works in a school.

My mom’s a train driver. She works on a train.

My grandpa’s a doctor. He works in a hospital.

5. Think about your family. Ask and answer.
What does your cousin do? He's a nurse.
Where does he work? He works in a hospital.
6. Listen and repeat.

7. Choose what you want to be. Then ask and answer.

8. Tell the class about your friend.
Ex: Sally wants to be an actor.
V.Evaluation: (3min)
Not bad , Good , Well Done ,GOOD OF YOU!

VI.Giving home task. (3min)
Your homework will be to learn new words and to do homework in 68p.

Grammar Exercise : Put the words in order. Then match.

VII. Farewell: (2min)
Do you understand all materials of the lesson?
Have you any questions ? The lesson is over, dear pupils! Good bye!
Deputy director on educational affairs __ ___


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