Other Activities: Follow-up: The teacher will present a hypermedia presentation to the students on seasons during the following class, which expands on the topics discussed during this lesson. Students will present their posters at the end of the unit.
Assessment: Teacher moves around the classroom, observing student discussions during partner activity. She also informally checks written notes the students produced about their own preferences.
Homework Assignments:Students will design a layout for their personal poster and begin looking for visual materials to represent aspects they personally like about each of the four seasons. Students will bring a poster design (either handwritten or using computer software such as Inspiration) to the next class, along with any visual aids (e.g. magazine cutouts) they could find.
Use of Technology: None
Materials Used: Wall calendar, teacher-made poster, notebook paper, pen/ pencil
Closure: Teacher reviews homework assignment with class and gives students some time at the end of class to start drawing a layout for their posters.
Lesson Plan – DAY #2
PLANNING PHASE Performance/ Task-based Objectives: Students will be able to identify different seasonal activities and sports in English.
Students will be able to identify the dates and names of major and/ or popular holidays in American culture.
Students will be able to write about their own holiday traditions and customs.
Lesson Outline: National TESOL Standards:
Goal 1, Standards 1, 2, 3
Goal 2, Standards 1, 2
TEACHING PHASE (1) Preparation Warm-up Activity: The teacher displays a PowerPoint slide that lists the English names of several Olympic sports. On the board, the teacher has drawn a T-chart with the words ‘Winter Olympics’ on one side and ‘Summer Olympics’ on the other. The students take out a sheet of paper and copy the T-chart. They then write as many Olympic sport names as they can under the appropriate chart columns during the next 5 minutes. While the students work on this, the teacher comes around to each student to quickly check for homework completion and verify that students are on the right track with their poster project assignment. After 5 minutes, the teacher advances to the next slide, which shows the final T-chart with all sports correctly placed.