Sample Lesson Plans 50-minute Comparative Literature class on Rachilde’s novel The Juggler

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sample lesson plans

Objectives for student learning: 
Students will be able to …
1. Analyze and discuss practical implications for contemporary political issues in light of modernization 
2. Solve game theoretic models related to modernization theory.

PowerPoint Slides

Handout of images from: Kashi, E. 2008. Curse of the Black Gold: 50 Years of Oil in the Niger Delta. New 
York: powerHouse Books.
1. Review Economic Determinants of Democracy Theories – Think-pair-share (10 minutes) 
Show students PowerPoint slide of Figure 6.2 from textbook depicting “Proportion of Democracies 
at Various Levels of Wealth, 1950-1990”. 
• Think: Ask students to write a minute-paper about what this figure illustrates about the rela-
tionship between wealth and democracy. Ask them to write out the variants of modernization 
theory that explain this relationship as they recall them from the textbook. 
• Pair: Have them pair with a neighbor to discuss their reflections. 
• Share: Debrief with whole class by asking for 2-3 students to share some of the highlights of 
their conversation.
2. Game Theoretic Model Illustration – Large group discussion (10 minutes) 
Display PowerPoint slide of Figure 6.8 from text, which illustrates an extensive form game between 
the state and the citizen. Solve the game together as a class. Discuss the following: Given the Nash 
Equilibrium solution to this game, what can we conclude about the relationship between wealth and 
3. Case Study Discussion – Large group discussion (5 minutes) 
Show PowerPoint slide of the book jacket image from the novel “Les Miserables.” Ask class the fol-
lowing discussion questions:

What did the text argue was the key difference between England and France in the 17th Century? How 
does this case study relate to modernization theory?

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