Science and Education in Karakalpakstan. 2023 №2/1 ISSN 2181-9203 249
compete, the general rule of qualifying crimes should be applied. According to this rule, it is
necessary to always apply a standard that covers all the factual signs of the committed act.
In such cases, forgery position is observed as a method of abuse of power or office
representation, and in the words of T. B. Boshova, “the guilty person is only one side of criminal
activity” [14]. For example, if writing a fake document is qualified as forgery, other actions of the
guilty will not be given the necessary legal assessment.
If the forgery is not directly defined as abuse of power or representation of a position, but
acts as a means of abuse of power or representation of a position, it is appropriate to qualify such
actions under the summary of Articles 205 and 209 of the Criminal Code. It will not be enough to
qualify cases where an official conceals a deficiency that arose due to the abuse of his official
position by confusing reporting and reporting documents as abuse of power or official position only
under Article 205 of the Criminal Code. It is more correct if such actions are qualified as abuse of
office representation and forgery position [15].
For example, an official (head and members of the internal control commission, inspector)
does not promise to hide the robbery in advance, but knowingly (later, instead, for the purpose of
obtaining funds from the perpetrator or based on his personal relationship with him) hides the crime
detected during financial control. On the one hand, in such cases, the guilty does not perform the
task of informing the chief who prepared the investigation or investigation about the detected
violations, that is, he uses the powers of the position for the opposite purpose. On the other hand, it
violates the obligations to determine, control and ensure the reliability of the inspection materials
and the completeness of the conclusions stated in the inspection document, by means of document
inspection of the robbery identified as the guilty, added false information into the verification
document, i.e. job forgery occurs [16].
In this and many other cases, job falsification is expressed in one or more of the actions
provided for by law, in the case of abuse of power or representation of a position, it can cover a
wider range of undesirable actions that are against the law according to its practical form.
Sometimes, in the practice of judicial investigation, the issue of forgery position is related to
another type of abuse of power or forgery position - bribery. For example, an official gives a forged
document instead of a bribe, that is, he takes a bribe using the forgery of his position, that is, he
commits an act that is considered a crime. In such cases, the real summation of crimes is in effect,
and it is necessary to give it a legal assessment when qualifying the crime [17]. This rule is
mentioned in general at the same time.
According to the law, bribery is a crime committed in the interests of malice. In this case,
the official must use his official position or, instead of doing it with the interests of the person
offering the bribe or not doing it, alone or through an intermediary, it is expressed in receiving
culturally valuable things or receiving property benefits, knowing that it is illegal.
In the order of the Plenum of the Supreme Court of the Republic of Uzbekistan dated May
21, 2004, if the forgery position was committed with the participation of other persons who were
not the subjects of the crime of officialdom, the actions of such participants, if they were not
participants in the crime of robbery, it is explained that it should be qualified not by Article 228 of
the Criminal Code, but by Articles 28, 209 of the Criminal Code [18].
Legal literature also distinguishes a separate group of official crimes - alternative - official
crimes. The essence of these crimes is determined by this, they can be committed by officials as
well as by non-officials (using their official position) [19]. From the point of view of the problem
being analyzed, the structure of the crime of smuggling provided for in Article 246 of the Criminal
Code can be an example of alternative-position crimes. The crime referred to in Article 246 is often
committed by using documents whose forgery is already known or by adding false information into
documents. In this case, knowing that it is a crime to make a forged document or to add false