Science and Education in Karakalpakstan. 2023 №2/1 ISSN 2181-9203 75
rights, the state's guarantee for this, the protection of the rights of the population through the court
in case of violations of equality in these relations, that is, the existence of accountability measures
for the guilty. The third situation is of more political significance and is characterized by the
dissatisfaction of the population with the conditions created by the state authorities and their desire
to change them. In our opinion, the state and law-enforcement bodies should pay more attention to
this third situation, because if there is a desire of the majority of the population to change the
created conditions, then protests may arise in the future.
It should be noted that public sentiment is a process related to the minds of people, and if it
is in the form of a protest mood, it spreads quickly and is highly contagious. In addition, it is
difficult to directly control and manage the masses when they are in a discontented mood. It easily
and quickly unites people who are in difficult life conditions, and forms a "single community" in a
negative way to change the social and political situation that is not suitable for people.
Conclusion. In short, the stability of the public mood depends on the balance between the
conditions created in the society and the wishes of the population, if this balance is disturbed, mass
protests and riots may occur.
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