Keywords: system of indicators, industrial enterprises, level of competitiveness, assessment parameters, competitive advantages, cause-and-effect relationships. In our opinion, competitiveness in the economic sphere is the possession of characteristics
that create an advantage for the subject of economic competition. These characteristics can refer to
various objects - types of products, enterprises and organizations, individual countries or groups of
countries (regional, political, cultural) participating as subjects of competition.
The variety of competitive relations that arise in the economic sphere can be conditionally
divided into three levels: the micro level (a specific enterprise, production, types of products);
meso-level (networks, conglomerate-type enterprises and corporate associations of firms); macro
level (general economy). Based on this, we can say that in order to ensure competitiveness,
industrial enterprises must constantly think about the full and efficient use of the resources at their
disposal, as well as all types of resources purchased for future production. In this case,
competitiveness is not considered an internal characteristic of the firm. The competitiveness of
these industrial enterprises can only be determined within a group of enterprises in the same
industry or a group of enterprises producing a substitute product. Thus, the competitiveness of an
enterprise is a relative concept, which is defined as the ability to provide a better offer compared to
a competing company.
National competitiveness can be measured using a number of statistical indicators. These
are, first of all, the following: the balance of the foreign trade balance; the cost of a unit of
production, indicated at the rate of the national currency; are market quotas. However, the listed
statistical indicators do not fully reflect the nature and quality of competitive advantage, its
sustainability and prospects.
Assessment of competitiveness at the macro level is not limited to economic and
technological factors. Macrocompetitiveness largely depends on the overall economic and military
power of the country, providing economic influence, as well as domestic political stability and its
cooperation with partners in the international community [1].
Local enterprises operating in the local market should be internationally competitive.
In order for a product manufacturer to enter the international level, the following is required:
1. Strategic vision of industrial enterprise management: goals and means and methods for
achieving them, the necessary personnel, financial and material resources, excellent methods and
forms of work.
2. Possibility to choose external target markets and their segments. Knowing the foreign
market means not only finding out the current situation, but mainly predicting its promising
directions and development trends. Considering the requirements of potential customers in target
markets and segments, with a particular focus on identifying emerging and unmet needs.