Science and Education in Karakalpakstan. 2023 №2/1 ISSN 2181-9203
Based on the above, it can be concluded that the main advantage in
using IOS is control over
the learning process in the form of student and teacher collaboration and data on student access to
the system. The effective use of IOS presents significant opportunities for improving the quality of
the educational process, the services and content provided, as well as the experience and learning of
Highlighting the undoubted advantages that higher education institutions can get from the
use of cloud technologies, it is also necessary to highlight the main risks that need to be taken into
account when planning and using cloud solutions in the educational process. As an example, data
security can be provided, for which it is necessary to take special measures to prevent unauthorized
access to information hosted in the cloud.
The use of cloud computing by higher education institutions is
a promising direction that
increases the efficiency of the educational process and reduces the overhead costs of its
implementation. The capital costs associated with the construction and maintenance of its own data
processing center
are significantly reduced, and the flexible scalability and high availability of
services used in the educational process ultimately allows more time to be devoted to teaching and
research work and increases the satisfaction of end users - students, teachers, teaching and support
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