Science and Education in Karakalpakstan. 2023 №2/1 ISSN 2181-9203 66
importance of the service sector in the dynamics of the world economy, as well as local markets,
remains a priority and very relevant.
These and other reasons have acted as the driving force behind the development of
traditional services, led to the emergence of new technologically equipped and complex services,
among which the following come to the fore: information technology services, education and
research, insurance, banking and investment services, franchising, leasing, outsourcing, logistics
support. These types of services reflect the trends in the development of the service sector in the
national economy of the leading and developing countries of the world, have a significant impact on
the change in the structure of GDP, the division of labor, the growth of productivity of economic
entities, the level of quality of life of the population[7].
It should be noted that a significant part of the growth in the volume of services provided is
provided by the use of modern technologies for their provision at enterprises.
Among the important factors that have become widespread in domestic conditions, but
require further development, is the after-sales service of products, which is in line with global
trends in the integration of the production service sector. An important reserve for the growth of the
service sector in general and individual enterprises in particular is also the improvement in the
quality of services provided. Although much more attention is tired of being paid to this factor,
however, in terms of the level of development of this indicator, there is a noticeable lag behind
Western standards.
A number of factors that stimulate the growth of the service sector and its various facilities
belong to the group of inertial factors that require considerable time for their implementation. These
include the mentality of the service provider, the skill level of the personnel working in the service
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