Microsoft Word search phase 3 Title Page Amendment

  STUDY OBJECTIVES & BACKGROUND AND SIGNIFICANCE .............................. 1

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partnership with the Navajo Area Indian Health Promotion and the Special Diabetes 
Prevention Program, under a Memorandum of Understanding with the Navajo Nation. 
The Seattle center will conduct study activities with participants from the 5 Puget Sound 
counties (King, Kitsap, Pierce, Thurston, and Snohomish) surrounding Seattle and Tacoma.  
This area encompasses two-thirds of the Washington population and is the most ethnically 
diverse region of the state.
  Based on previous case ascertainment patterns, it is projected 
that an average of 244 incident cases per year will be identified out of a total 0-19 year old 
population of approximately 1 million.  The Seattle center will use the U.S. census as the 
source of denominator estimates. 
Seattle Children’s Hospital is a teaching institution associated with the University of 
Washington, with direct access to a large population of youth with diabetes and their 
families.  Investigators will work with families and providers to coordinate visits in 
conjunction with regular clinical appointments, at locations throughout the region, in order to 
ensure excellent experiences for families and high response rates. 
The Seattle SEARCH investigators have established a rapid reporting network of over a 
dozen local health centers, institutions, and providers that identify eligible cases and provide 
data to characterize diabetes type and clinical characteristics.  This includes all of the major 
pediatric endocrinology groups (Seattle Children’s Pediatric Endocrinology, Woodinville 

Section 2 - Center Descriptions (Phase 3 - 12/2010) 
Section 2 - Page 3 
Pediatrics, Group Health Cooperative, Mary Bridge Health Center, and Madigan Army 
Medical Center), hospitals (Seattle Children’s, Mary Bridge, Virginia Mason Medical Center
Providence St. Peter’s, Swedish Medical Center, Group Health Cooperative, Harborview 
Medical Center, Valley Medical Center), adult endocrinologists and diabetes programs 
(University of Washington Diabetes Care Center and Joslin Diabetes Center), Certified 
Diabetes Educators, community health clinics (Community Health Centers of King County, 
SeaMar Community Health Centers, and Puget Sound Neighborhood Health Centers), 
hospital-based primary care networks and primary care clinics (University of Washington 
Physicians and Virginia Mason), college health centers, diabetes support groups, community 
events, family practitioners in rural areas, and practices serving ethnically diverse 
populations.  Collaborations have also been established with the Washington State 
Department of Health Diabetes Prevention and Control Program, which works in partnership 
with major local, state and national organizations towards improving the health of people 
with diabetes and those at risk for developing diabetes. 
The Carolinas center covers the state of South Carolina with administration and oversight 
provided through the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill.  To assist in statewide case 
ascertainment and recruitment, the Medical University of South Carolina (MUSC) in 
Charleston, SC, the Greenville Hospital System (GHS) in Greenville, SC, and the University 
of South Carolina (USC) in Columbia, SC will serve as sub-centers.  Incident cases will be 
ascertained in all 46 counties in South Carolina.  Ascertainment of cases will continue 
through the active surveillance network comprised of a variety of health care providers.  
Specifically, the pediatric endocrinologists in South Carolina and in large bordering cities 
will report newly diagnosed cases of diabetes in SC.  Other health care providers, including 
adult endocrinologists, federally qualified health care centers, and hospitals will also 
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