Microsoft Word search phase 3 Title Page Amendment

participate in case ascertainment

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participate in case ascertainment. 
The South Carolina center will base race/ethnic-, gender-, and age- specific denominators on 
projections based on the 2000 US Census.  South Carolina has roughly 1.1 million children 
and youth under the age of 20 among a total population of more than 4 million (28% youth).  
Thirty percent (30%) of the population is African American, compared to 12.3% nationwide 
(Census 2000).  Thirty-seven percent (37%) of all SC youth are enrolled in Medicaid or the 
State Children’s Health Insurance Program (SC Office of Research Statistics), the proportion 
being even higher in rural parts of the state.  SC has a high proportion of families of very low 
income: 18.8% of all SC youth live in families with incomes below the poverty level, 
including 10% of Whites, and 33% of non-White youth.  Children in SC are more likely to 
grow up in households with lower educational attainment compared to the national average.  
In SC, 23.7 of adults over age 25 have no high school diploma, compared to 19.6% 

Section 2 - Center Descriptions (Phase 3 - 12/2010) 
Section 2 - Page 4 
nationwide (Census 2000).  In addition, 40% of SC lives in rural areas of the state (compared 
to 21% nationwide) (Census, 2000). 
Kaiser Permanente is a group model managed health care organization that delivered 
comprehensive medical care on a prepaid basis to approximately 3.3 million residents of 
southern California in 2009.  It is a working partnership of two organizations: the not-for-
profit Kaiser Foundation Health Plan and Hospitals and the Permanente Medical Groups.  
Members receive their insurance coverage through employers, MediCal and other low-
income programs, and private payment.  The Department of Research and Evaluation, part of 
the Southern California Permanente Medical Group (SCPMG), is the research arm of Kaiser 
Permanente Southern California (KPSC).  This Department, located in Pasadena California, 
is committed to conducting high quality epidemiologic, behavioral, clinical, and health 
services research. 
Children with diabetes who are members of KPSC, other than members who reside in San 
Diego County, will be identified and invited to participate in SEARCH.  Youth will be 
identified based on monthly case reports from the Pediatric Endocrinologists (primary 
source) and through linking computer-stored clinical information on prescriptions, laboratory 
tests, inpatient, and outpatient encounters (secondary source) and validating these potential 
cases to confirm that they have a physicians’ diagnosis of diabetes.  Further, eligibility will 
be determined for all valid cases based on their health plan membership and geographic 
location within the region.  This two-pronged approach allows for the identification of youth 
who are not seen or not reported by Pediatric Endocrinologists. 
The California center will use its administrative membership database as the source of 
denominator information.  Counts of the number of members by sex and one-year age 
category will determine the number persons in the denominator each year.  All membership 
files are geocoded annually to account for new members, disenrollment in the health plan
and address changes for continuously enrolled members.  Using these geocoded files, 
estimates of the number of children in each racial/ethnic group will be made based on census 
block-level geocoding of address information to the 2000 or 2010 decennial U.S. census 
which are updated annually based on changes in geographic boundaries as well as 
demographic changes within each census block. 

Section 2 - Center Descriptions (Phase 3 - 12/2010) 
Section 2 - Page 5 
In 2009, approximately 798,499 children and youth less than 20 years of age were members 
of the Kaiser Permanente Southern California other than in San Diego.  Based on 
race/ethnicity data aggregated at the census block-level, 48% of were Hispanic, 31% non-
Hispanic White, 10% of Asian/Pacific Islander, 8% African American, and 3% other race or 
multiple race.  In addition to the diversity in race/ethnicity, there is also significant diversity 
in the income and education of members of the KPSC health plan, which is also 
representative of the region.   

SEARCH Phase 3 Protocol - Section 3 
Study Organization 
Table of Contents 

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