Road Podcast
You know what's a lot harder than it
seems like it should be actually feeling
alive and what I mean by that is that we
are all constantly doing or at least we're
constantly scrolling but we're not
necessarily living you know we keep
ourselves busy to the point of exhaustion
but we're also languishing we feel a little
bit dead inside i think we know that on
some level i think that's part of the
reason we keep ourselves so busy and
distracted to begin with but we don't
know what to do about it so i am here to
tell you i figured out what to do about it
we need to have more fun so you might
think that you're already having plenty of
fun and that's because in our everyday
speech we often use the word fun to
describe anything we do with our leisure
time even if it's not actually enjoyable
and in fact a waste of time so for so for
example we scroll through social media
for fun even though doing so often makes
us feel bad about like kind of everything
or we'll say that was so fun we should do
that again soon in response in response
to things that weren't that fun and that
we don't want to do again ever but it's
not really our fault that we're a little bit
sloppy about how we use the word fun
because even the dictionary doesn't get it
quite right you know it says that fun is an
amusement or enjoyment or lighthearted
pleasure it's something for kids to have in
play areas it makes it sound like it's
frivolous and optional but if you think
back on your own memories that stand
out to you as having truly been fun and i
really encourage you to do this you know
the memories that you would describe as
and forgive me for a scientific
terminology so fun you're going to notice
that there's something much deeper
going on i've collected thousands of these
stories from people all around the world
and i can tell you it's amazing because
when people recount the memories in
which they had the most fun they tell you
about some of the most joyful and
treasured memories of their lives so in
reality fun is not just lighthearted
pleasure it's not just for kids and it is
definitely not frivolous instead fun is the
secret to feeling alive so today i want to
propose to you a new more precise
definition of what fun is i want to reveal
some of the ways in which it is
astonishingly good for us and i want to
give you all some suggestions for things
you can do starting right now to
experience its power for yourself so the
first thing we need to start with um is the
fact that fun is a feeling and it's not an
activity and that's important because a
lot of times when i ask people what's fun
they'll respond with a list of activities that
they enjoy you know they'll say dancing is
fun or skiing is fun or i don't know
pickleball is fun everyone seems to think
that pickleball is [Laughter] fun and sure
pickleball can be fun but we've all had
experiences where something's off and
an activity that seems like it would be fun
doesn't end up feeling fun and then on
the flip side we've had experiences where
something that doesn't seem like it would
be fun at all ends up feeling ridiculously
fun there's an element of serendipity but
when people do have fun when they
experience this feeling it's actually very
easy to recognize because people who
are having fun look like they're being
illuminated from within so for example
here's me and my husband having fun
together here are some presidents having
fun together here's archbishop desmond
tutu on the dalai lama having fun
together actually those two seem like
they were very often even constantly
having fun together and as you can see in
these photographs true fun produces this
visceral sense of lightness and joy it's
radiant in fact when i asked my daughter
when she was about five years old what
color fun would be she said sunshine so
what is this sunshine you know what is
this feeling that we call fun well when
people tell me their stories about fun it's
really interesting because the details are
all different and often quite mundane but
the energy running through them is the
same and there are three factors that are
consistently present to the point that i
believe they constitute a new definition
one that is a lot more accurate than
what's in the dictionary and those three
factors are playfulness connection and
flow so by playfulness i do not mean you
have to play games or god forbid make
believe i just mean having a lighthearted
attitude of doing things for the sake of
doing them and not caring too much
about the outcome letting go of
perfectionism when we have fun our
guard is down and we're not taking
ourselves too seriously connection refers
to the feeling of having a special shared
experience and i do think it's possible in
some circumstances to have fun alone
and for this feeling of connection to be
with yourself or the surroundings or the
activity but in the majority of stories that
people tell me about their peak fund
memories another person is involved and
that's true even for introverts and then
flow is the state where we are so engaged
and focused on whatever we're doing
that we can even lose track of time you
can think about an athlete in the middle
of a game or like a musician playing a
piece of music it's when we're in the zone
it's possible to be in flow and not have
fun like if you're arguing but you cannot
have fun if you are not in flow so
playfulness connection and flow all feel
great on their own but when we
experience all three at once something
magical happens we have fun and that
doesn't just feel good it is good for us in
fact fun does so many amazingly good
things for us that i personally believe that
fun is not just the result of human
thriving it's a cause so for example fun is
energizing when people tell me their
stories about fun they glow it is like a fire
has been lit inside of them and the energy
and the warmth that they give off is
contagious you know so much of life
drains us but fun fills us up fun also
makes us present a lot of us put a lot of
work into trying to be more present you
know we do yoga classes we meditate
and that is all great but the fact that fun is
a flow state means that when we are
having fun we simply are present there's
no other way for it to happen fun also
unites us we live in a really polarized
world and as we all know there's a lot of
very serious problems but when we have
fun with people we don't see them as
different political parties or nationalities
or religions we connect with them as
human beings and it's worth noting that
that is the first step in being able to work
together to solve those problems fun also
makes us healthier now being lonely and
stressed out as many of us have been for
the past two years causes hormonal
changes in our bodies that increase our
risks for disease but when we have fun
we're relaxed and we're more socially
connected both of which have the
opposite effect so it kind of blows my
mind every time i think about it this way
but having fun is a health intervention
and then lastly fun is joyful you know we
all so desperately want to be happy we
read books about happiness we
download apps about happiness but
when we are in a moment of having fun
we are happy so it makes me think that
perhaps the secret to long-term
happiness is just to have more everyday
moments of fun so how do we do that
how do we have more fun well to start
with do not take the suggestions you will
find in magazine articles about how to
have more fun so i looked up some of
these myself and i found suggestions that
include and i'm not making these up
roasted turkey put together an altar to
loved ones who have passed watch a
documentary about climate change and
my personal favorite adorn your table
with gourds so though those are not good
suggestions instead the most effective
thing you can do to have more fun is to
focus on its ingredients by which i mean
do everything you can to fill your life with
more moments of playfulness connection
and flow so here are some ideas for how
to do so so to start with reduce
distractions in order to increase flow
anything that distracts you is going to kick
you out of flow and prevent you from
having fun and what's the number one
source of distraction for most of us these
days oh thank you it's rhetorical but yes
your phones now i wrote a book called
how to break up with your phone so i
have strong feelings about this but i can
guarantee you that you are not going to
have fun if you are constantly on your
phone so today i want to challenge you to
keep your phone out of your hand as
much as possible so that you can take me
up on my second suggestion which is to
increase connection by interacting more
with other human beings in real life now i
know that one of the main reasons we're
constantly on our phones is specifically to
avoid having to spend time and interact
with other human beings in real life so i
want to assure you that it is worth it and
it is not as hard as it might seem so here's
how you do it you start by making eye
contact with someone like look them in
the eye don't look like in the middle of
their forehead where the camera would
be on a zoom call [Laughter] and you say
hello and if that goes well you can
introduce yourself and if that goes well
maybe you can ask them a question
maybe something that's like thought-
provoking but not overly personal or
threatening something like what's
something that fascinates you or what's
one thing that delighted you today you
might be amazed by how good just one
little moment of connection can make
you feel and if you do find someone to
connect with maybe ask them to join you
in trying my third suggestion which is to
increase playfulness by finding
opportunities to rebel now i am not
talking about james dean level rebellion
i'm talking about playful deviance i'm
talking about finding ways to break the
rules of responsible adulthood and give
yourself permission to get a kick out of
your own life so for example one person
told me that some of the most fun she'd
had in recent memory happened on a
friday morning when she and some of her
friends ditched their work and their child
care responsibilities tucked flasks into
their purses and snuck out to a 10 30 a.m
showing of the movie bad moms so lastly
here's one more thing that you can do
today to start having more fun i am just
kidding prioritize it that might sound
totally obvious but one of the main
reasons we're not having enough fun is
that we're not making it a priority you
know our fund is always at the bottom of
the list and it can't speak up for itself so
i'm not suggesting that you like take out
your calendar and make an entry that
says from 4 to 6 p.m on saturday i shall
have fun that is a guaranteed way to not
have fun but if you know you consistently
have fun when you spend time with a
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