Text Viewer
The Text Viewer allows you to view text fields while coding other fields. The Text Viewer is a read only panel within the editing window. The Text Viewer stays on the screen when you switch from one data tab to another. Your registry’s configuration defines the fields shown in the Text Viewer. The viewer was designed for the display of large text fields, but any field may be shown in the viewer.
Use Jump To Field to view a specific field in the Text Viewer. The scrollbar will adjust so that the selected field is shown at the top of the panel.
To find text in any field, enter text in the Search box and type Enter or click the Go button. All occurrences of the text will be highlighted; the Text Viewer will adjust to show the first occurrence of the term in red. Click Go again to search for the next occurrence. Click Clear to reset the search box.
There are some very specific shortcuts for the text viewer; those can be viewed by using Ctrl+Shift+T:
Ctrl+<: show only the text viewer (hide the editor).
Ctrl+>: show only the editor (hide the text viewer).
Ctrl+\: show both the editor and the text viewer.
Ctrl+?: toggle text viewer location between right side and bottom side.
Ctrl+J: Jump to a particular text box in the text viewer.
Ctrl+I: Initiate a search in the text viewer.
Ctrl+K: Search the text boxes with the current search text.
Ctrl+M: Clear the current search.
Ctrl+H: Set the focus on the record editor.
Alt+Down: scroll down the text viewer while the focus is in the editor
Alt + Up: scroll up the text viewer while the focus is in the editor
Alt + Page Down: page down the text viewer while the focus is in the editor
Alt + Page Up: page up the text viewer while the focus is in the editor
Record Summary Panel
The record summary panel shows the value of key fields for the current record. It is displayed on the top of the editor. Not all record types support this feature.
When a record is opened for the first time, the panel will only show the labels.
The value will appear as the data entry form is populated.
The panel can be hidden using the Toggle Info View icons in the toolbar.
The behavior of the panel can also be customized in the User Preferences dialog.
Creating a Record from another Record
You may create a new record based on an existing record. You will be able to auto-fill selected fields by copying values from the current record into the new record. This was primarily designed for creating an abstract record from a casefinding record, but it can be used to create a second abstract record to reduce data entry for multiple primaries.
To create a record from another record:
Open an existing record in the SEER*Abs Editor. This will be referred to as the “original” record in these instructions.
Click Copy.
If there are unsaved changes, you will be asked if you would like to save them.
Select the record type for the new record.
If you are creating an abstract from an abstract, you may copy all data or sections of data from the original record into the new abstract. A dialog like the one shown below will be displayed. Select the sections of data that you would like to have copied from the original record into the new abstract. The copy feature is a configurable feature in the scripts for creating records. The registry’s system administrator must ensure that the appropriate elements are copied.
Keyboard Shortcuts
In addition to the global shortcuts, there are several shortcuts specific to editing record data. Press CTRL+Shift+T to view the Shortcut Help.
Key Command
Delete the record currently being edited. This is the same as clicking Delete.
Ctrl+Down Arrow
Go to next row in the editor. From the last row on a tab, this goes to the first row in the next tab. From the last row on the last tab, this goes to the first row on the first tab.
Display the Expanded text window for a multi-line field.
Display the field lookup if one is defined for the current field. It is the same as clicking the light bulb.
Ctrl+Left Arrow
Go to the previous field in the row. From the first field in the row, this goes to the last field in the previous row. This will also move across tabs. Same as Shift+Tab.
Display documentation for the current field, if available.
Save the record currently being edited. Change the status to Completed. Close the record. This is the same as clicking Complete.
Close the record currently being edited without saving. Same as clicking Close.
Switch between viewing and hiding the edit errors. Same as Show/Hide Errors.
Ctrl+Right Arrow
Go to the next field in the row. From the last field in the row, this goes to the first field in the next row. From the last field in the last row on the tab, this goes to the first field in the first row on the next tab. From the last field in the last row on the last tab, this goes to the first field in the first row on the first tab. This works the same as Tab.
Save the record currently being edited. This is the same as clicking Save.
Go to the previous page. From the first page, this goes to the last.
Validate the record currently being edited (force the edits to be recalculated). This is the same as clicking Validate.
Go to the next page. From the last page, this goes to the first.
Ctrl+Up Arrow
Go to the previous row in the record editor. From the first row on a tab, this goes to the last row in the previous tab. This works across tabs.
Go to the next field. For multi-line fields, add a new line in the current field. This is similar to tabbing out of the field except when in a multi-line field.
Go to the previous field in the row. From the first field in the row, this goes to the last field in the previous row. This will also move across tabs. Same as Ctrl+Left arrow.
Go to the next field in the row. From the last field in the row, this goes to the first field in the next row. This will also move across tabs. Same as Ctrl+Right arrow.
Display the Field Lookup dialog.
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