Note that it is also the doves that bring the golden bough to Aeneas, so that he may descend to the underworld and return from it, a myrh that even in antiquity referred to the ini tin tic mystery.
Presently we shall say something more about "multiplication” in its aspect as regarding the transmission of a quality or "cincture” (color), not to the principles still utit ran stormed ("crude") in the same being, but to different beings, so that the same spiritual influence of the initiate is transmitted to them.
Filum Ariadnas, 124.
■' Livrc de la misericorde, CMA, 3:180. In this text it is specified that those energies that, combined with the Body, reach their maximum of intensity and resist the Fire "arc not the ones that can he reached through the ordinary senses ”
Flamd, Figures hieroglyphiqties, see fig. 7 (BPC, 2:257). Other symbols of multiplication are: the pelican that feeds her own llesh to her children; the Phoenix (after all, phomix means " red”), from whom come ocher birds as seen in an engraving of T.ibavius (in Aichimia. recognita, emendatam, et aucra [Frankfurt 1606]) which is accompanied by the legend: Crescire er mukiplicamini [be fruitful and multiply].