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A.А.Abasova candidate of Texnikal Sciences, associate professor, Azerbaijan University of Architecture and Construction ORCİD 0000-0003-1633-6257
F.R.Mirzalizadeh master student, Azerbaijan University of Architecture and Construction
Innovations in business as one of the factors of economic development Abstract Innovation processes are considered the most promising form of market economy development. The social transformations carried out in Azerbaijan involve an active search for innovative ways and means for radical renewal of the economy. In this regard, one can understand the interest of local scientists, together with foreign specialists, to make active efforts to conduct comprehensive research on the phenomenon of innovation. Key words: innovation processes, innovative activity, business strategy, innovation, venture funds, industrial parks.
A.A.Aбасова к.т.н. доцент, Азербайджанский Архитектурно-строительный Университет ORCİD 0000-0003-1633-6257