Тема1: "Subject and problems of psychiatry and narcology. Organization of psychiatric and narcological service. Feeling and perception pathology. Age features of the sphere of feeling and perception.
Control questions
1 . Problems of medical psychology and psychiatry.
2 . Borders of norm and pathology of mental activity.
3 . Types of feelings and perception, their physiological basis.
4 . Role of feelings and perception in formation of mental activity.
5 . Types of frustration of feelings and perception, their feature.
6 . Differentiation of hallucinations, their nosological accessory.
7 . Clinical features of senestopatiya, differentiation of senestopatichesky frustration.
8 . To give the characteristic of clinical manifestations of violations of psychotouch synthesis.
9 . At what diseases the giperesteziya meets?
10 . At what diseases the giposteziya meets?
11 . Call types of feelings.
12 . List properties of perception.
13 . Call types of illusions.
14 . Under what conditions emergence of illusions at mentally healthy people is possible?
15 . List types of hallucinations.
16 . Call criteria of true hallucinations.
17 . Criteria of pseudo-hallucinations are ….
18 . List diseases at which true hallucinations meet.
19 . List diseases at which pseudo-hallucinations meet.
20 . What treats psychotouch violations?
21 . For what pathologies psychotouch frustration are characteristic
22 . Than vistseralny hallucinations differ from senestopatiya?
23 . Than pseudo-hallucinations differ from the true?
24 . Give metamorfopsiya definition.
25 . The patient fixed in a bed feels in flight over the ocean. Qualify a condition.
26 . The main criterion of difference of false hallucinations from true is …
27 . At height of strong fear and alarm the perception becomes ….
28 . What hallucinations are characteristic for delirium tremens?
29 . Stsenopodobnye, fantastic pseudo-hallucinations with flow of grezopodobny representations are peculiar for what condition?
30 . Call the elementary sound hallucinations.
31 . The woman at a sound of flowing water hears crying of the died child. Qualify a condition.
32 . Give derealization definition.
33 . The patient in neutral words of surrounding people hears sneers in the address. Qualify a condition.
34 . Automorfopsiya is …
35 . "The symptom already seen" is the option, what mental disorder?
36 . Give definition to psychotouch frustration.
37 . Hallucinations is a symptom of neurotic or psychotic level?
38 . Mentally healthy people can have what illusions of type?
39 . Zoopatichesky visual stsenopodobny true hallucinations are peculiar, for what disease?
40 . In the teenage company smell spot remover. What frustration of perception can arise?
41 . What hallucinations are most characteristic for schizophrenia?
Recommended literature.
1 . Zharikov N. M. with соавт. – "Psychiatry". Educational literature for students of medical schools, M of 2000.
2 . Korkin M. In with соавт. M.1997 "psychiatry".
3 . Snezhnevsky A.V. (Under the editorship of) "Guide to psychiatry" T.1, 1983.
4 . Smetannikov P. G. "Psychiatry" S-Pb. 1999
5 . Tiganov Rukovodstvo on psychiatry volume 1,2 M.1999
6 . Kirpichenko A.A, "Psychiatry" Minsk 1989
7 . V. D. Mendelevich "Clinical medical psychology", M, 1999.
8 . Bukhanovsky A.O. "The general psychopathology" 2002.
9 . Agranovski M. L. "General medical psychology and psychopathology" 2003.
Subjects IWS
1 . Organization of the psychiatric help.
Subject 2: "Thinking. Norm and pathology borders. Age features of the sphere of thinking"
Control questions
1 . Content of the concept "thinking", thinking function.
2 . Stages of formation of thinking in development of mental activity.
3 . Types of cogitative operations.
4 . Thinking violations on speed and structure.
5 . Thinking violations according to the contents (crazy, persuasive, supervaluable ideas).
6 . Features of crazy ideas at various diseases.
7 . Versions of crazy syndromes and their characteristic.
8 . Types of cogitative operations.
9 . Types of thinking.
10 . Stages of development of thinking.
11 . What treats thinking violations on speed?
12 . What treats thinking violations on structure?
13 . What treats thinking violations on focus?
14 . For what diseases pathological thoroughness of thinking is characteristic?
15 . For what diseases
16 . Give analysis and synthesis definition.
17 . What types of violation of thinking are characteristic for epilepsy?
18 . What type of nonsense is peculiar for sharp psychosis?
19 . What type of nonsense most often meets at the address to the therapist?
20 . Instead of the answer to a question: how did you sleep? ", the patient argues on need of a dream for organism functioning. Call thinking violation.
21 . Carry out differential diagnostics between nonsense and persistence.
22 . For the psikhastenichesky
23 . Specify possible violations of thinking at maniacally – depressive psychosis.
24 . What most specific type of nonsense on a plot is formed at schizophrenic process?
25 . List crazy syndromes.
26 . What leading type of nonsense at a syndrome of Qatar?
27 . Specify the most frequent type of nonsense arising at senile age.
28 . What type of nonsense is a cardinal symptom of a syndrome of Kandinsky – Klerambo?
29 . Type of thinking at an oligofreniye.
30 . neurosis characteristics of thinking in a look: …
31 . incoherence of thinking is characteristic?
32 . What types of violation of thinking are characteristic for schizophrenia?
33 . What is characteristic for primary nonsense?
34 . What is characteristic for secondary nonsense?
35 . Than supervaluable ideas differ from the crazy?
36 . Than errors of judgment differ from crazy ideas?
37 . List types of crazy ideas according to the contents
38 . Specify structure of a gallyutsanatorno-paranoid syndrome.
39 . List thinking violations peculiar epilepsies.
40 . Call the type of nonsense most often meeting at "delirium tremens".
41 . Characterize nonsense at онейроиде.
42 . The type of nonsense which is forming mainly at children's age.
43 . Nozofobiya is …
44 . Characterize nonsense at a paranoyalny syndrome.
Recommended literature.
1 . Zharikov N. M. with соавт. – "Psychiatry". Educational literature for students of medical schools, M of 2000.
2 . Korkin M. In with соавт. M.1997 "psychiatry".
3 . Smetannikov P. G. "Psychiatry" S-Pb. 1999
4 . V. D. Mendelevich "Clinical medical psychology", M, 1999.
5 . Bukhanovsky A.O. "The general psychopathology" 2002.
6 . Agranovski M. L. "General medical psychology and psychopathology" 2003.
Subjects IWS
1 . Modern psychological testing at thinking violation
Subject 3: "Psychology and pathology of memory, attention, intelligence".
Control questions
1 . Theories of mechanisms of memory and types of memory.
2 . Patopsikhologichesky symptoms and syndromes of pathology of memory.
3 . Value of attention in mental activity.
4 . Types of violation of attention and their nosological accessory.
5 . Definition of the concept "intelligence" and its value in mental activity.
6 . Oligofreniya. Reasons. Clinical versions. Working capacity.
7 . Dementia. Reasons. Clinical options. Diseases at which it is observed.
8 . The basic principles of supervision and care of patients with intellectual мнестической pathology.
9 . Give determination of "memory".
10 . List memory functions.
11 . Call conditions of successful storing.
12 . Give classification of types of memory.
13 . What treats memory pathology?
14 . What treats quantitative violations of memory?
15 . What treats high-quality violations of memory?
16 . What type of amnesia submits to Ribot's law?
17 . What structure of syndromes includes a gipomneziya?
18 . List to a nosology at which the gipermneziya can meet.
19 . Specify structure of the Korsakovsky syndrome.
20 . Specify structure of Korsakovsky psychosis.
21 . What type of amnesia doesn't meet in structure of the Korsakovsky syndrome?
22 . At what pathology progressing amnesia meets?
23 . Types of attention.
24 . Properties of attention.
25 . Attention frustration.
26 . Oligofreniya reasons.
27 . Oligofreniya degrees.
28 . What is characteristic for an oligofreniya in moronity degree?
29 . What is characteristic for an oligofreniya in degree of a deficiency of intellect?
30 . What is characteristic for an oligofreniya in idiocy degree?
31 . At what nozologiya lacunary weak-mindedness meets?
32 . At what nozologiya total dementia meets?
33 . What is characteristic for lacunary dementia?
34 . What is characteristic for total dementia?
35 . Draw a parallel a symptom-syndrome-nosology on the example of memory violations.
36 . Tasks of the doctor and the teacher at an oligofreniye in degree of moronity, a deficiency of intellect, an idiocy.
37 . List syndromes in which structure memory violations are included.
38 . Medical labor examination at an oligofreniye.
Recommended literature.
1 . Zharikov N. M. with соавт. – "Psychiatry". Educational literature for students of medical schools, M of 2000.
2 . Korkin M. In with соавт. M.1997 "psychiatry".
3 . Smetannikov P. G. "Psychiatry" S-Pb. 1999
4 . V. D. Mendelevich "Clinical medical psychology", M, 1999.
5 . Bukhanovsky A.O. "The general psychopathology" 2002.
6 . Agranovski M. L. "General medical psychology and psychopathology" 2003.
Subjects IWS
1 . Differential diagnostics of intellectual backwardness.
2 . Modern psychological testing at memory and attention violation
3 . Modern psychological testing at intelligence violation.
Subject 4: "Emotions, norm and pathology borders, age and specific features. Pathology of emotional and strong-willed and any activity. Syndromes".
Control questions
1 . Definition of the concepts "emotions", "will", "any activity".
2 . G. Selye's theory about a stress.
3 . Value of the concepts "emotional condition", "emotional reaction".
4 . Definition of the concepts "physiological affect", "pathological affect".
5 . Clinical versions of a maniacal and depressive syndrome.
6 . Features of perversions of an inclination depending on nosological accessory.
7 . Clinical versions of syndromes of violations of any activity.
8 . External manifestations of emotional frustration, the basic principles of relationship of the nurse with the patient, suffering emotional and strong-willed pathology.
9 . Forms of manifestation of emotions.
10 . What treats pathology of emotions?
11 . What is characteristic for depressions?
12 . What is characteristic for mania?
13 . What violations of emotions are characteristic for patients with schizophrenia?
14 . In what structure of diseases euphoria meets?
15 . What symptoms are characteristic for a katatonichesky stupor?
16 . What symptoms are characteristic for katatonichesky excitement?
17 . Specify differences of a katatonichesky stupor from the depressive.
18 . List types of psychomotor excitement.
19 . List types of a psychomotor stupor.
20 . What treats quantitative violations of will?
21 . What treats high-quality violations of will?
22 . Specify differences of katatonichesky excitement from the maniacal.
23 . Specify differences of maniacal excitement from the gebefrenichesky.
24 . Call types of depressions.
25 . What vegetative frustration meet at depressions?
26 . What treats somatic manifestations at a depression?
27 . List simple options of a depressive syndrome.
28 . List difficult options of a depressive syndrome.
29 . Than gebefrenichesky excitement is shown?
30 . Carry out differential diagnostics between a lyutsidny and oneyroidny catatonia.
31 . Hysterical excitement is characterized …
32 . Define structure of a katatonichesky stupor.
33 . Specify structure oneyroidno – a katatonichesky syndrome.
Recommended literature.
1 . Zharikov N. M. with соавт. – "Psychiatry". Educational literature for students of medical schools, M of 2000.
2 . Korkin M. In with соавт. M.1997 "psychiatry".
3 . Smetannikov P. G. "Psychiatry" S-Pb. 1999
4 . V. D. Mendelevich "Clinical medical psychology", M, 1999.
5 . Bukhanovsky A.O. "The general psychopathology" 2002.
6 . Agranovski M. L. "General medical psychology and psychopathology" 2003.
Subjects IWS
1 . Modern psychological testing at violation of the emotional sphere.
Тема5: "Consciousness. Consciousness levels. Conscious and unconscious activity. Syndromes of the broken consciousness. Main psychopathological syndromes. Classification of mental diseases".
Control questions
1 . Definition of the concept "consciousness" and its role in mental activity of the person.
2 . Qualitative characteristics and types of consciousness.
3 . Freydizm's essence, psychoanalysis.
4 . Criteria of definition of the broken consciousness
5 . Syndromes of the broken consciousness, types of switching off of consciousness.
6 . Syndromes of obscuring of consciousness, their differentiation.
7 . External manifestations of syndromes of switching off and consciousness obscuring.
8 . Main lines of consciousness.
9 . Consciousness components.
10 . Criteria of clear consciousness.
11 . Criteria of the broken consciousness according to Jaspers.
12 . What treats syndromes of switching off of consciousness?
13 . What treats syndromes of obscuring of consciousness?
14 . What is characteristic for an oneyroidny syndrome?
15 . In what structure of pathologies the oneyroidny syndrome meets?
16 . What is characteristic for a deliriya?
17 . At what pathologies meets deliriya?
18 . What is the amention?
19 . At what pathologies the amention meets?
20 . What is characteristic for twilight obscuring of consciousness?
21 . List types of twilight obscuring of consciousness.
22 . In what structure of nozologiya twilight obscuring of consciousness meets?
23 . Extents of devocalization.
24 . Criteria of statement of the sindromalny diagnosis devocalization, sopor, coma.
25 . Nosological features deliriya.
26 . Describe behavior of patients at a deliriya
27 . Describe behavior of patients at онейроиде.
28 . Describe behavior of patients at twilight obscuring of consciousness.
29 . Describe behavior of patients at an amention.
30 . What syndromes belong to the negative?
31 . What syndromes belong to the positive?
32 . What is the negative syndromes?
33 . What is the positive syndromes?
34 . What syndromes belong to perception frustration?
35 . What syndromes belong to thinking violations?
36 . What is the paranoyalny syndrome?
37 . What is characteristic for a paranoid syndrome?
38 . Structure of a gallyutsinatorno-paranoid syndrome.
39 . Parafrenny syndrome, its components.
40 . What syndromes belong to neurotic level?
41 . What syndromes belong to memory and mind violations?
42 . Structure of the Korsakovsky syndrome.
43 . Psychoorganic syndrome, Walter-Byuelya triad.
44 . Call affective syndromes.
45 . What is characteristic for a depressive syndrome?
46 . What is characteristic for a maniacal syndrome?
47 . Criteria of obscuring of consciousness according to Jaspers.
48 . Structure deliriya.
49 . Main components of an oneyroidny syndrome.
50 . Features of amentivny violation of consciousness and its components.
51 . Twilight obscuring of consciousness and its components.
52 . Call diseases at which the Korsakovsky syndrome meets.
Recommended literature.
2 . Zharikov N. M. with соавт. – "Psychiatry". Educational literature for students of medical schools, M of 2000.
3 . Korkin M. V., Lakosin N. D., Lichko A.E. Sergeyev I.I. PSYCHIATRY the Textbook for students of M 2006
4 . Smetannikov P. G. "Psychiatry" S-Pb. 1999
5 . V. D. Mendelevich "Clinical medical psychology", M, 1999.
6 . Bukhanovsky A.O. "The general psychopathology" 2002.
7 . Agranovski M. L. "General medical psychology and psychopathology" 2003.
Subjects IWS
1 . Diagnostics of negative syndromes.
2 . Diagnostics of positive syndromes.
Subject 6: "Problem of the personality. Patokharakteriologichesky development of the personality. Psikhopaty, psikhopatopodobny frustration. Psychogenic diseases. Neurosises (age features: children's neurosis (enuresis, logokloniya, tics, etc.)). Jet psychoses"
Control questions
1 . Definition of essence of the concept "personality", "psikhopatiya", "psikhopatopodobny frustration".
2 . Structure of the personality.
3 . Reasons of psikhopatiya and their clinical forms.
4 . Current and outcome of psikhopatiya.
5 . Differentiation between psikhopatiya and psikhopatopodobny frustration.
6 . External manifestations of behavioural reactions of psychopathic persons.
7 . Definition of the concepts "psychogenic diseases", "neurosises", "jet psychoses".
8 . Clinical manifestations of neurosises, criteria of diagnostics.
9 . Clinical manifestations of jet psychoses, criteria of diagnostics.
10 . Clinical manifestations of a neurasthenia, current stage.
11 . Clinical manifestations, course of neurosis of persuasive conditions.
12 . Clinical manifestations, course of hysterical neurosis.
13 . Treatment and prevention of neurosises.
14 . Clinical manifestations of sharp jet psychoses (affektivno – shock reactions), a current, treatment.
15 . Clinical manifestations of subsharp jet psychoses, current.
16 . Clinical manifestations of hysterical psychoses, current, treatment.
17 . Treatment and prevention of jet psychoses.
18 . Psychotherapy in treatment of psychogenic diseases.
Recommended literature.
1 . Zharikov N. M. with соавт. – "Psychiatry". Educational literature for students of medical schools, M of 2000.
2 . Korkin M. V., Lakosin N. D., Lichko A.E. Sergeyev I.I. PSYCHIATRY the Textbook for students of M 2006
3 . Smetannikov P. G. "Psychiatry" S-Pb. 1999
4 . Samokhvalov of Accusative. "Psychiatry" Manual for students of medical schools of M 2007
5 . A.M.Svyadoshch "Neurosises", M, Medicine, 1982.
6 . Tiganov Rukovodstvo on psychiatry volume 1,2 M.1999
7 . Leongard K. "Aktsentuation of the personality"
8 . Allison Dzh. shader of River. "Medicamentous treatment at psikhopatiya"
Subjects IWS
1 . Versions and application of neuroleptics of the last generation.
2 . Concept about a suicide.
3 . Nonspecific methods of treatment of schizophrenia.
4 . Violations of the emotional and strong-willed sphere at schizophrenia.
5 . Social rehabilitation of patients by schizophrenia.
6 . Children's autism.
Subject 7: "Schizophrenia. Clinic, current, forecast. Children's autism.
Independent kuration of patients".
Control questions
1 . Definition of the concepts "endogenous psychoses", "schizophrenia".
2 . Clinical manifestations (the general psychopathology) at schizophrenia.
3 . Clinic, current it is continuous – the current schizophrenia.
4 . Clinic, course of rekkurentny schizophrenia.
5 . Clinic, current pristupoobrazno – progrediyentny schizophrenia.
6 . Simple form of schizophrenia
7 . Katatonochesky form of schizophrenia
8 . Gebefrenichesky form of schizophrenia
9 . Parakoidny form of schizophrenia
10 . Treatment and schizophrenia prevention.
11 . Principles of supervision, description and care of patients with schizophrenia.
Recommended literature.
1 . Zharikov N. M. with соавт. – "Psychiatry". Educational literature for students of medical schools, M of 2000.
2 . Korkin M. V., Lakosin N. D., Lichko A.E. Sergeyev I.I. PSYCHIATRY the Textbook for students of M 2006
3 . Smetannikov P. G. "Psychiatry" S-Pb. 1999
4 . Samokhvalov of Accusative. "Psychiatry" Manual for students of medical schools of M 2007
5 . The guide to psychiatry under A.V.Snezhnevskogo's edition, M, 1 volume.
6 . Aran islands J. Rosenbaum Dzh. Psychopharmacotherapy
7 . Tiganov Rukovodstvo on psychiatry volume 1,2 M.1999
Subjects IWS
1 . Differential diagnostics and tactics of maintaining patients
2 . with postnatal psychoses.
3 . Aktsentuirovannye of the personality, norm and pathology borders.
4 . Patokharakterologichesky development of the personality.
5 . Psikhopatopodobnye syndromes.
Subject 8. : "Epileptic illness. Benign children's epilepsy. Good-quality: mioklonichesky epilepsy of early children's age. Children's epileptic абсанс (piknolepsiya). Juvenile mioklonichesky epilepsy. Epileptiformnye syndromes. Mental violations at craniocereberal traumas. Psychoorganic syndrome".
Control questions
1 . What types of frustration are characteristic for epilepsy? .
2 . What paroksizmalny frustration meet at epilepsy?
3 . Call phases of a big convulsive attack.
4 . Call mental equivalents of a convulsive attack.
5 . What treats continuous violations at epilepsy?
6 . Call features of changes of the personality at epilepsy.
7 . List features of violations of thinking at epilepsy.
8 . Features of weak-mindedness at epilepsy are …
9 . Specify differences of an epileptic illness from symptomatic epilepsy.
10 . The basic principles of therapy of patients with epilepsy are
11 . List the reasons of development of the epileptic status.
12 . Urgent actions at the epileptic status.
13 . List IB periods.
14 . What mental disorders meet in the sharpest period of IB?
15 . What mental disorders meet in the sharp period of IB?
16 . What mental disorders meet in the period of IB rekonvalestsention?
17 . What mental disorders meet in the period of the remote consequences of IB?
18 . In what period of IB the Korsakovsky syndrome meets?
19 . In what period of IB the psychoorganic syndrome meets?
20 . At the patient in the sharp period of IB developed deliriya. Your tactics?
21 . Changes of the personality at patients in the remote period of IB include …
22 . Qualify a syndrome with loss of consciousness and spasms at the patient with IB consequences.
23 . Specify features at the patient with epilepsy.
24 . Criteria of difference of a disforiya and twilight obscuring of consciousness at epilepsy.
25 . List types of epileptic psychoses.
26 . Differential diagnostics between paranoid schizophrenia and postravmatichesky psychosis.
27 . Concept "epileptic illness" definition, этиопатогенез, epidemiology
28 . Differentiation between an epileptic illness and symptomatic epilepsy
29 . Clinical characteristic of paroksizmalny frustration.
30 . Clinical characteristic of continuous violations
31 . First-aid treatment at an epileptic seizure and the epileptic status
32 . Remote consequences of an injury of a skull.
33 . Psychoorganic syndrome
34 . The basic principles of supervision, the description and care of patients with an epileptic illness and IB consequences.
Recommended literature.
1 . Zharikov N. M. with соавт. – "Psychiatry". Educational literature for students of medical schools, M of 2000.
2 . Korkin M. V., Lakosin N. D., Lichko A.E. Sergeyev I.I. PSYCHIATRY the Textbook for students of M 2006
3 . Smetannikov P. G. "Psychiatry" S-Pb. 1999
4 . Samokhvalov of Accusative. "Psychiatry" Manual for students of medical schools of M 2007
5 . The guide to psychiatry under A.V.Snezhnevskogo's edition, M, 1,2 volume.
6 . Tiganov Rukovodstvo on psychiatry volume 1,2 M.1999
Subjects IWS
1 . Epileptiformnye syndromes.
Тема9. : "Alcoholism, alcoholic psychoses. Drug addiction, toxicomania. Gender features of alcoholism and drug addiction. Teenage alcoholism and drug addiction"
Control questions
1 . Definition of the concepts "alcoholism", "alcoholic psychoses".
2 . Clinical manifestations of alcoholic intoxication.
3 . Characteristic signs of household alcoholism.
4 . Pathological intoxication, signs.
5 . Initial symptoms of chronic alcoholism.
6 . Clinical manifestations of stages of chronic alcoholism.
7 . Clinic, current and treatment of delirium tremens.
8 . Treatment and prevention of chronic alcoholism.
9 . Features of the personality at patients with alcoholism and personal approach of the nurse to this category of patients.
10 . Rendering the pre-medical urgent help to the patient with alcoholism and alcoholic psychoses.
11 . Definition of the concepts "drug addiction", "toxicomania".
12 . Types of narcotic and toksikomanichesky means and way of their introduction.
13 . Clinical signs of narkomanichesky and toksikomanichesky intoxication.
14 . Narkomanichesky abstinention, clinical manifestations, medical help.
15 . Methods of treatment of drug addiction.
16 . Drug addiction and toxicomania diagnostics.
17 . Methods of prevention of drug addiction and toxicomania.
18 . Supervision, description, care of patients with drug addiction and toxicomania.
Recommended literature.
1 . Zharikov N. M. with соавт. – "Psychiatry". Educational literature for students of medical schools, M of 2000.
2 . Korkin M. V., Lakosin N. D., Lichko A.E. Sergeyev I.I. PSYCHIATRY the Textbook for students of M 2006
3 . Smetannikov P. G. "Psychiatry" S-Pb. 1999
4 . Samokhvalov of Accusative. "Psychiatry" Manual for students of medical schools of M 2007
5 . Aran islands J. Rosenbaum Dzh. Psychopharmacotherapy
6 . Shabanov L.D.Narkologiya M. 2003
7 . Ivanets "Alcoholism treatment" 1995.
8 . Tiganov Rukovodstvo on psychiatry volume 1,2 M.1999
Subjects IWS
1 . Female alcoholism
2 . Alcoholic psychoses.
3 . Teenage alcoholism.
4 . Computer dependence.
5 . Modern methods of treatment of alcoholism and drug addiction.
6 . Modern methods of prevention of alcoholism and drug addiction.
7 . The psychoses caused by the use of hemp.
8 . Diagnostics and treatment of an abstinentny syndrome at opium drug addiction.
9 . Toxicomanias.
Subject 10. : "Mental violations at somatic, endocrine and
infectious diseases and HIV/AIDS"
Control questions
1 . Definition of the concepts "psychosomatic", "somatopsikhichesky".
2 . Pathogenetic mechanisms of development of mental violations at somatic and endocrine diseases.
3 . Clinic of mental violations at somatic and endocrine diseases.
4 . The principles of treatment and the forecast of mental violations and psychoses at somatic and endocrine diseases.
5 . Differentiation between somatogenic psychoses and mental diseases.
6 . The principles of supervision and care by the nurse of somatic patients with mental pathology.
7 . Concept "infectious psychoses" definition, occurrence, патогенез mental disorders.
8 . The factors promoting development of mental violations at infections.
9 . Clinical options of mental violations at various stages of infectious process.
10 . Possible complications of infectious diseases and their qualification.
11 . Residual phenomena primary and secondary менингоэнцефалита.
12 . The principles of treatment and the forecast of mental violations at the general infectious diseases.
13 . Clinical manifestations of mental violations at rage, the forecast.
14 . The principles of the contents, supervision and care by nurses of infectious patients with mental pathology.
Recommended literature.
1 . Zharikov N. M. with соавт. – "Psychiatry". Educational literature for students of medical schools, M of 2000.
2 . Korkin M. V., Lakosin N. D., Lichko A.E. Sergeyev I.I. PSYCHIATRY the Textbook for students of M 2006
3 . Smetannikov P. G. "Psychiatry" S-Pb. 1999
4 . Samokhvalov of Accusative. "Psychiatry" Manual for students of medical schools of M 2007
5 . The guide to psychiatry under A.V.Snezhnevskogo's edition, M, 1 volume.
6 . Aran islands J. Rosenbaum Dzh. Psychopharmacotherapy
7 . Tiganov Rukovodstvo on psychiatry volume 1,2 M.1999
Subjects IWS
1 . Mental disorders at endocrine diseases
2 . Mental disorders at infectious diseases.
3 . Mental disorders at brain syphilis.
4 . Mental disorders at vascular diseases
5 . Mental violations at oncological diseases.
6 . Features of a psychoorganic syndrome at somatic diseases.
7 . Mental disorders at AIDS.
Subject 11. : "Mental disorders of vascular genesis. Mental disorders at involutional and senile age. Senile psychose
Control questions
1 . Definition of essence of the concept "vascular diseases of a brain".
2 . Features of psychology of persons with vascular diseases of a brain.
3 . Etiology and патогенез vascular diseases of a brain.
4 . Clinic, dynamics, outcome of vascular diseases of a brain.
5 . Differential diagnostics of mental disorders at cerebral atherosclerosis and a hypertensive illness.
6 . Features of treatment of patients with cerebral atherosclerosis and hypertensive illness.
7 . The principles of adequate supervision, the description and care of patients with mental violations of vascular genesis.
8 . Definition of essence of the concepts "involutional age, involutional psychoses".
9 . Criteria of allocation of involutional age – climacteric, presenilny, senile.
10 . Mental disorders at climacteric age.
11 . Mental disorders at senile age.
12 . Mental disorders at presenilny age.
13 . Criteria of differential diagnostics of involutional psychoses.
14 . Features of treatment, leaving and the forecast of patients with involutional diseases.
15 . The basic principles of creation of relationship the nurse – the patient with mental pathologies at involutional and senile age.
16 . The principles of supervision, the contents and care of patients with mental pathologies at involutional and senile age.
Recommended literature.
1 . Zharikov N. M. with соавт. – "Psychiatry". Educational literature for students of medical schools, M of 2000.
2 . Korkin M. V., Lakosin N. D., Lichko A.E. Sergeyev I.I. PSYCHIATRY the Textbook for students of M 2006
3 . Smetannikov P. G. "Psychiatry" S-Pb. 1999
4 . Samokhvalov of Accusative. "Psychiatry" Manual for students of medical schools of M 2007
5 . The guide to psychiatry under A.V.Snezhnevskogo's edition, M, 1 volume.
6 . Podkorytov V. S., Chayka Yu.Yu. "Depressions. Modern therapy" Kharkov. 2003
7 . Aran islands J. Rosenbaum Dzh. Psychopharmacotherapy
8 . Tiganov Rukovodstvo on psychiatry volume 1,2 M.1999
Subjects IWS
1 . Alzheimer's disease.
2 . Peak illness.
3 . Gerontopsikhiatry.
4 . Involutional psychoses
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