Temurids museum

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From the first days of establishment of the state independence particular importance began to be attached to restoration of the huge, priceless spiritual and cultural heritage of our ancestors created by them throughout many centuries. At last the Uzbek people found an opportunity to restore separate pages of history, are deprived of civil rights the forgotten names, to highlight the historic figures who played an important role in development of a world civilization.
Among these persons - the talented commander, the politician and the reformer, the patron of science, education, trade, culture and workmanship Amir Temur. Having become the founder of the huge centralized state, it in every possible way enhanced its power and greatness, glorifying it for the whole world and also having united the nations living here and nationalities. During a time of government of Amir Temur of high tops the science, education, culture, architecture, the fine arts, music and versification reached. In other words, all this formed a basis for the Temuridsky Renaissance.
This circumstance - restoration of historical justice – inspired and inspired the President of our state I.A. Karimov therefore it engendered the idea – to immortalize memory of our great ancestor on the Homeland – in Uzbekistan.
Thanks to it, on the basis of the decree of our President 1996 was announced year of Amir Temur whose 660 anniversary was widely celebrated at us in the republic. On March 14, 1996 on the basis of the resolution of the Cabinet of RUZ the decision to build the building of the State museum of history Temuridov was made.
In the conditions of independence in Uzbekistan all new and new museums are created that, actually, nowadays makes a close and inseparable part of our life. Opening on this background of the State museum of the history Temuridov can be estimated as an event of world value.
The state museum of history Temuridov was built in the center of Tashkent for the purpose of reflection of the high level of development of science, education, education and culture during an era Amira Temura and Temuridov, spirit of deep philanthrophy against the background of our historical achievements, customs and traditions and also education on this basis at representatives of the younger generation of sense of patriotism, love and respect for our Homeland, the rich historical past left as heritage by our great ancestors.
The museum in the presence of guests from our republic and arrived from the different countries of the abroad, in a festive atmosphere was open on October 18, 1996. The president of the Republic of Uzbekistan I.A. Karimov at a ceremony of his opening, in particular, noted that one more practical confirmation in our country of historical justice in relation to Sakhibkiran's person is a festive and joyful opening of the State museum of history Temuridov. – It is possible to tell with confidence, - he noted, - that if Amir Temur's square is symbolically beautiful ring, then the museum represents a ruby stone on this ring.
Further the President continued that each person who visited this museum can be convinced of the validity of my words that here our past, today and our great future found the reflection.
Really, each visitor who examined activity of the museum feels awakening at himself feeling of national pride, love and respect for our great ancestors.
If to dart a glance at appearance of the museum, its blue dome, then the mausoleum Gur-i Emir in Samarkand appears at eyes. Though the museum was also created in the best traditions of medieval architecture, however it answers all conditions of the present.
Today in funds of the museum there are about 5 000 objects. In museum expositions over 2 000 exhibits are presented. It is indisputable that the objects presented at exhibitions and stored in funds of the museum are very rare and unique, narrating us about far history of an era Temuridov.
Amir Temur's genealogy, his arrival to the highest top of the power, military campaigns of Sakhibkiran, diplomatic and trade relations, workmanship, works on improvement, development of science and education and also the exhibits narrating about representatives of a dynasty Temuridov, in particular, found the reflection in museum expositions (these are various cards, arms objects, copper and silver coins, miniatures, rare manuscripts, pottery, a jewelry, etc.). Models of architectural monuments – the constructions which gained the highest development during an era Amira Temura and Temuridov are here too presented: Joint stock company Shed, Ahmad Yassavi's mausoleum, cathedral mosque Bibi-Hanym, madrasah and Ulugbeka observatory, mausoleums Gur-i Emir and Tadzhmakhal. Including here found the reflection and the words of our President I.A. Karimov about feeling of deep respect for the historic figure of Amir Temur and also separate expressions and phrases from "Temur's Code" enriched the exhibits exposed in this hall.
The copies with the image of appearance of Amir Temur donated by the French museum of Louvre from Embassy of Iran are presented at the Gifts exhibition, in particular, – copies of correspondence of representatives of a dynasty Amira Temura and Temuridov with the adjacent states, found the reflection gifts here from Embassies of Pakistan, China, Malaysia, Kazakhstan, Russia, Georgia, Turkey and other countries including gifts of our compatriots. The one who has an opportunity closer to get acquainted with the Gifts exhibition, can become that a witness.
The museum is also visited by representatives of the foreign states and official delegations who, having got acquainted with era history Amira Temura and Temuridov, have huge satisfaction. Throughout last period from the different states of the world the museum was visited by about 800 official delegations and, having got acquainted with history Temuridov, they left the entries from the received impressions in "The book of honorable guests of the museum" on the basis of what in the museum the Autographs exhibition was created.
If today from the date of formation of the museum 19 years are executed, then for this period for visitors it turned into a peculiar shrine. So, for last period the number of his visitors exceeded 2 million people.
Undoubtedly, very important and the fact that in the museum a certain work on education at youth of feeling of deep respect and love to history of the homeland, great historic figures, rich heritage of our far ancestors is carried out. So, the museum holds spiritual and educational events in common with schools, lyceums and colleges.
Today, along with the main exposition, the museum created also such exhibitions as "Autographs", "Pages from Amir Temur's life", "Shakhrukhiya – a creation monument Temuridov", "To Samarkand – 2 750 years", "Gifts", "Architectural monuments Temuridov", etc.
Taking part with the exhibits at the international exhibitions, the museum propagandizes the rich material and spiritual heritage worldwide. In particular, unique exhibits of the museum were presented at the international exhibitions "Temuridsky Renaissance" in France; "Expo-2000" - in the German city of Hanover; in the museum Paurkhaus of the Australian city of Sydney "Bright flowers: fabrics and ceramics of Central Asia". In the museum together with Embassy of India in Uzbekistan were created the Rare Manuscripts exhibition; together with Embassy of Iran - "An era miniature Amira Temura and Temuridov"; together with National administration of saving documents and archives of the Sultanate of Oman - the "Far and Close Oman" exhibition.
In the museum the unique objects testifying to various sides and aspects of history of the Uzbek statehood, rich material and spiritual heritage of our far ancestors which are widely shown to the public representatives on the basis of the conducted in-depth scientific researches are visually presented.
This building represents not only as the place of storage of museum pieces, but also as scientific center on studying of history of an era Amira Temura and Temuridov, stories of the Uzbek statehood, rich material and spiritual heritage of our ancestors, as a peculiar conductor of glorious past for generation of modern youth.
The relevant problem of today is an increasing knowledge of native history, education of youth in the spirit of patriotism and national pride on the basis of what particular importance on the scale of the state is attached to deep and comprehensive study of history of this period and also its promotion. Proceeding from requirements of today and relevance of the matter, for last period in the State museum of the history Temuridov two basic researches were quite successfully conducted: "Era Renaissance Temuridov" (2002 – 2006); "Studying of written monuments of an era Temuridov in Uzbekistan and abroad". Along with it, young scientists the project of a basic research on a subject was successfully complete: "Distribution abroad the cultural and spiritual heritage connected with history of Uzbekistan and its place in the history of our homeland"; a scientific applied research on a subject: "Shakhrukhiya's fortress – the most rare monument of an era Amira Temura and Temuridov"; "Tashchkent – the capital of Islamic culture"; innovative project "History of Uzbekistan (anthology). 3rd volume"; "From history of art of book matter in Uzbekistan (on the basis of hand-written works and the lithographed era copies Temuridov)"; "The manuals published on the basis of a lithograph at the end of H1H – the beginning of the 20th century"; "Virtual exhibitions and their scientific and practical bases (on the basis of exhibitions of the State museum of history Temuridov)"; "Military art of an era Amira Temura and Temuridov". All these researches were conducted on the basis of Fund of support of innovative researches.
Today in the museum work on the project of a basic research on a subject is successfully conducted: "The universal importance of studying of development of science, education and culture during an era Temuridov and its promotion". This basic research is close and indissoluble continuation of the scientific projects which are carried out in the museum. The pursued purpose – demonstration of the achieved success in this direction and also the scientific and educational importance of studying of this subject in Uzbekistan and universal scale. The research planned studying of the offered subject in the republic and abroad the corresponding editions and also on the example of historical monuments. Among the most important and most urgent directions of today is a studying and promotion for years of independence in Uzbekistan and abroad the universal importance of science, culture and education during an era Temuridov; proceeding from a subject of the project are also studying and carrying out the corresponding analysis of foreign publications; distribution of cultural monuments of an era Temuridov on a global scale and also their place in universal culture; extended coverage of science, culture and education during an era Temuridov in the websites.
It is in the long term planned to turn the museum into the main spiritual and educational and scientific center of republican scale on studying and promotion of history of an era Amira Temura and Temuridov; to enrich the exposition lighting an era Temuridov, cultural monuments; it is closer to strengthen relations with the foreign museums; to create exhibitions on a bilateral basis; etc. Today the State museum of history Temuridov represents bright reflection of creative activity of the ideas of independence in Uzbekistan.
1996 yil 18 oktyabrda Temuriylar tarixi davlat muzeyi ochilgan kun. Ushbu sana munosabati bilan TATUning bir guruh talaba-yoshlari ushbu muzeyga tashrif buyurishdi.
«Temuriylar tarixi davlat muzeyi Sohibqiron Amir Temur shaxsiyatiga nisbatan yurtimizda tarixiy adolat tantana qilganining yana bir amaliy isbotidir. Bu muzeyda bizning o‘tmishimiz ham, bugungi kunimiz va buyuk istiqbolimiz ham bamisoli ko‘zguda aks etgandek namoyon bo‘ladi. Kimki o‘zbek nomini, o‘zbek millatining kuch-qudratini, adolatparvarligini, cheksiz imkoniyatlarini, uning umumbashariyat rivojiga qo‘shgan hissasini, shu asosda kelajakka ishonchini anglamoqchi bo‘lsa, Amir Temur siymosini eslashi kerak». Bu – Birinchi Prezidentimiz Islom Karimovning Toshkent shahrida Temuriylar tarixi davlat muzeyi ochilgan kunda, ya’ni, 1996 yil 18 oktyabrda «Faxriy mehmonlar kitobi»ga yozgan tarixiy dastxati...
Amir Temur ham, Islom Karimov ham tarix sahnasiga chiqib, nafaqat elimizni mustamlakachilar istibdodidan ozod qildi, balki xalqimizning g‘ururini tiklash, dunyoda qudratli davlatga asos solish, tinchlik, bunyodkorlik, barqarorlik va farovonlik yo‘lida kurashishdek juda og‘ir va murakkab vazifani sharaf bilan ado etdi.
Mustaqillikka erishganimizdan so‘ng Prezidentimiz Islom Karimov ma’naviy tiklanish va yangilanish islohotlarini ulug‘ ajdodlarimiz, xususan, Amir Temur bobomizning muborak nomi, boy merosi, xotirasi va tarixiy siymosini tiklash asosiga qurdi.
1996 yil 14 martda O‘zbekiston Respublikasi Vazirlar Mahkamasining «Temuriylar tarixi davlat muzeyini tashkil etish chora-tadbirlari to‘g‘risida»gi qarori qabul qilingach, Birinchi Prezidentimiz bu muzey me’moriy shakli, tuzilishi haqida me’morlar, tarixchilar, ijodkorlar va ziyolilar bilan kengashdi. O‘shanda Islom Karimov bu muzey saroy va toj shaklini ifoda etishi, mamlakatimiz arxitektura san’atida durdona asar bo‘lishi kerakligini aytdi. Qurilish ishlari jadal boshlandi. Prezidentimiz bu yerga tez-tez kelar, muzey qurilishidagi har bir detalga qiziqib, so‘rab-surishtirar va har gal uning me’moriy yechimida hal qiluvchi fikrlarni aytar edi. Shu bois muzey juda qisqa vaqtda – sakkiz oyda bunyod etildi.
Muzeyga kelgan har bir yurtdoshimiz, ayniqsa, yoshlar bu yerdagi har bir detalni tayyorlashga Birinchi Prezidentimiz Islom Karimov bosh-qosh bo‘lganini yoddan chiqarmasligi kerak. Muzey dastlab ishga tushgan vaqtda bu dargohga kirib chiqqan yoshlarning qiyofasini kuzatdim: o‘z tarixini, qanday ulug‘ zotlarning avlodi ekanini bilgan nigohlardagi hayratni ko‘rsangiz...
Ha, 1996 yil 18 oktyabr sanasi chindan ham xalqimiz tarixida unutilmas bayram bo‘lgan. O‘sha kuni Toshkentda Temuriylar tarixi davlat muzeyi, Samarqand va Shahrisabz shaharlarida Amir Temur haykallari ochilgan, bu muazzam shaharlar Amir Temur ordeni bilan mukofotlangan. Barcha tadbirda Birinchi Prezidentimiz qatnashib, nutq so‘zlagan.
– Muzeyimizda 5 mingdan ziyod eksponatlar bor, – deydi Temuriylar tarixi davlat muzeyi direktori Xurshid Fayziyev. – Ular orasida miloddan avvalgi 2 mingyillikka oid Sopollitepa va Jarqo‘ton topilmalari, Dalvarzintepaning milodiy I asrga oid oltin buyumlari, Afrosiyob va Toshkentdan topilgan X-XI asrga oid sopol idishlar, Amir Temur va temuriylar davriga oid ko‘plab noyob qo‘lyozmalar, rasmiy hujjatlar, kumush va mis tangalar, sopol idishlar, mis buyumlar, me’moriy qoplamalar, qurol-yarog‘, cholg‘u asboblari, etnografik buyumlar mavjud. So‘nggi uch yilda muzeydagi ekskursiyalar soni 10 mingdan ortdi. Muzey sayti (temurid.uz) o‘zbek, rus, ingliz tillarida ishlab turibdi. Bu yil “Kamolot” yoshlar ijtimoiy harakati bilan hamkorlikda muzeyning to‘liq virtual ko‘rinishi yaratildi. Unda muzey zallari bo‘ylab sayohat va eksponatlar zamonaviy 3D shaklda namoyon bo‘ladi. Muzey, Birinchi Prezidentimiz orzu qilganidek, ilmiy markazga aylandi. Ilmiy xodimlarimiz hozirgacha o‘ndan ziyod mavzularda ilmiy tadqiqotlarni amalga oshirdi. Yubiley albomlari, to‘plamlar, monografiyalar nashr etilmoqda.
...Yillar, asrlar o‘tadi. Xalqimiz omon ekan, mamlakatimiz shon-shavkatini yuksaltirish, xalqimiz turmushini farovon etish, farzandlarimiz kamoloti yo‘lida kurashgan Amir Temur va Islom Karimov nomlari yonma-yon tilga olinaveradi. Zotan, xalqimizning tinch, to‘kin va barqaror hayoti, yorug‘ kelajagi yo‘lida fidoyilik va jasorat ko‘rsatgan Xaloskor qahramonlar nomi haqli ravishda abadiyatga daxldordir.

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