Network separation (network segmentation): A good security principle for an IT support specialists to implement. It permits more flexible management of the network, and provides some security benefits. This is the concept of using VLANs to create virtual networks for different device classes or types
Network software hardening: Includes things like firewalls, proxies, and VPNs
Network time protocol (NTP): A network protocol used to synchronize the time between the authenticator token and the authentication server
NIST: National Institute of Standards and Technology
Normalization: It's the process of taking log data in different formats and converting it into a standardized format that's consistent with a defined log structure
OAuth: An open standard that allows users to grant third-party websites and applications access to their information without sharing account credentials
One-time password (OTP): A short-lived token, typically a number that's entered along with a username and password
One-time password (OTP) tokens: Another very common method for handling multifactor
OpenID: An open standard that allows participating sites known as Relying Parties to allow authentication of users utilizing a third party authentication service
Organizational units (OUs):Folders that let us group related objects into units like people or groups to distinguish between individual user accounts and groups that accounts can belong to
Packet sniffing (packet capture): the process of intercepting network packets in their entirety for analysis
Pairwise Transient Key (PTK): It is generated using the PMK, AP nonce, Client nonce, AP MAC address, and Client MAC address
Password attacks: Utilize software like password crackers that try and guess your password
Password salt: Additional randomized data that's added into the hashing function to generate the hash that's unique to the password and salt combination